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Alphas And Me

Chapter 3 Chapter 3-03

Word Count: 1467    |    Released on: 27/03/2024

t back the dread of being the newbie in tow

eacher yelled from i

ardly next to the door, not knowing which way to go. The room

take a seat anywhere and leave the spotlight. The walls were covered in

A guy dressed in light blue j

s," I replied slowly, making

that some of the students

re in the right class, I'm you

my schedule, so yeah..." I

students chuck

to assume your new here, you have to go through t

er, his youth hit me in the face. He didn't look past twenty-five, which was probab

rst time that Jared was in the class and had b

I was surprised when some people

n of the whole class, yet

fter a few moments of standing there

What do you think of our little tow

" I replied and again

ity and its way different than what I w

questions for Cassidy?" The teac

sed his hand, and I could see

u late?" He aske

etting lost, and almost getting run over, lite

e table that ran you over?" Mr. Andrew's asked w

y were talking about me. I had to laugh when Jared called 'dibs' on me, telling his the o

k pencils, which he repeatedly pointed out, were specifically fo

an organized teacher, desp

ed to buy, one which was a sketch book, I s

er here!" Jar

chair opposite of him. Jared seemed like a nice guy. I was only worried about the interest he wa

e, my parents had almost made it

e either way, and smiled as I p


thought it'd be. B

. I told you I'd make your day be

ends coughed and c

is Nick and that's Ty

waved at me

it been so fa

lost, getting knocked down by a guy, and rec

maniac. I was aware my words weren't too fun

orry. What do I have to

be thoughtful, even grabbi

buy you lunch and

t and dessert is included," I bargained

if I didn't get you any dessert?" Ja

ped his shoulder and

I got little work done an

nly laughing when something was just too funny. Both Tyler and Nick were as attractive as Ja

the cafeteria. On the way to lunch, Jar

lass I'd been to. When we entered the cafeteria, I noticed it was the ty

ng conversation. He told me a few things about my cl

actices, and coaches. I couldn't help but notice that while my former

re you getting

at him in amusement, wondering if he could real

I said, pointing at the delicious looking cheese cake that was

l with guys. I was going to be the only girl a

me," Jared said when he

f the chairs. I was glad when he took a seat next to me. Nick and T

Drew, Jackson, and David. Drew and Jackson are b

n shook my hand. After introducing themselves, the guys picked up w

a break for the bathroom. My hands we

ht back. I'm gon

m my hands, which were covered in shiny gray fro

ou get lead on your hands?" Jared asked. I joined in their l

replied with the shrug, before getting

was sitting next to Tyler, in the seat right in front of mi

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1 Chapter 1 Chapter 12 Chapter 2 Chapter 2-023 Chapter 3 Chapter 3-034 Chapter 4 Chapter 45 Chapter 5 Chapter 5-016 Chapter 6 Chapter 6-027 Chapter 7 Chapter 7-018 Chapter 8 Chapter 8-029 Chapter 9 Chapter 9-0110 Chapter 10 Chapter 10-0211 Chapter 11 Chapter 11-0112 Chapter 12 Chapter 12-0213 Chapter 13 Chapter13-0114 Chapter 14 Chapter14-0215 Chapter 15 Chapter15-0316 Chapter 16 Chapter 16-0117 Chapter 17 Chapter17-0218 Chapter 18 Chapter 18-0119 Chapter 19 Chapter 19-0220 Chapter 20 Chapter 20-0121 Chapter 21 Chapter 21-0222 Chapter 22 Chapter22-0123 Chapter 23 Chapter23-0224 Chapter 24 Chapter24-0325 Chapter 25 Chapter 25-0126 Chapter 26 Chapter 26-0227 Chapter 27 Chapter 27-0328 Chapter 28 Chapter 28-0429 Chapter 29 Chapter 29-0130 Chapter 30 Chapter 30-0231 Chapter 31 Chapter 31-0132 Chapter 32 Chapter 32-0233 Chapter 33 Chapter 33-0134 Chapter 34 Chapter 34-0235 Chapter 35 Chapter 35-0336 Chapter 36 Chapter 36-0137 Chapter 37 Chapter 37-0238 Chapter 38 Chapter 38-0339 Chapter 39 Chapter 39-0140 Chapter 40 Chapter 40-0241 Chapter 41 Chapter 41-0342 Chapter 42 Chapter 42-0143 Chapter 43 Chapter 43-0244 Chapter 44 Chapter 44-0145 Chapter 45 Chapter 45-0246 Chapter 46 Chapter 46-0347 Chapter 47 Chapter 47-0148 Chapter 48 Chapter 48-0249 Chapter 49 Chapter 49-0350 Chapter 50 Chapter 50-0451 Chapter 51 Chapter 51-0152 Chapter 52 Chapter 52-0253 Chapter 53 Chapter 53-0354 Chapter 54 Chapter 54-0455 Chapter 55 Chapter 55-0156 Chapter 56 Chapter 56-0257 Chapter 57 Chapter 57-0158 Chapter 58 Chapter 58-0259 Chapter 59 Chapter 59-0160 Chapter 60 Chapter 60-0261 Chapter 61 Chapter 61-0362 Chapter 62 Chapter 62-0463 Chapter 63 Chapter 63-0164 Chapter 64 Chapter 64-0265 Chapter 65 Chapter 65-0366 Chapter 66 Chapter 66-0467 Chapter 67 Chapter 67-0168 Chapter 68 Chapter 68-0269 Chapter 69 Chapter 69-0370 Chapter 70 Chapter 70-0171 Chapter 71 Chapter 71-0272 Chapter 72 Chapter 72-0373 Chapter 73 Chapter 73-0174 Chapter 74 Chapter 74-0275 Chapter 75 Chapter 75-0376 Chapter 76 Chapter 76-0477 Chapter 77 Chapter 77-0178 Chapter 78 Chapter 78-0279 Chapter 79 Chapter 79-0380 Chapter 80 Chapter 80-0481 Chapter 81 Chapter 81-0182 Chapter 82 Chapter 82-0283 Chapter 83 Chapter 83-0384 Chapter 84 Chapter 84-0185 Chapter 85 Chapter 85-0286 Chapter 86 Chapter 86-0387 Chapter 87 Chapter 87-0188 Chapter 88 Chapter 88-0289 Chapter 89 Chapter 89-0390 Chapter 90 Chapter 90-0191 Chapter 91 Chapter 91-0292 Chapter 92 Chapter 92-0393 Chapter 93 Chapter 93-0194 Chapter 94 Chapter 94-0295 Chapter 95 Chapter 95-0396 Chapter 96 Chapter 96-0197 Chapter 97 Chapter 97-0298 Chapter 98 Chapter 98-0399 Chapter 99 Chapter 99-04100 Chapter 100 Chapter 100-01