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Alpha Queen

Chapter 4 Chapter 4

Word Count: 1264    |    Released on: 27/03/2024

stared at Parker with confusion.

you want Jasmine?" Alp

y pack with me" Parker replied with his eyes

n formed o

ack with him and leave my family and friends


ent. The words flew out of m

me. I didn't miss the loo

nced up at him before standing up. "That's right, no. I will

se in the room before exiting the dinning room and out

rker, he ca

ed at my thoughts

ding against it because of the dangers of the forest at night I turn and run to my

ont door that I had unl

ts on. Not bothering to change I plopped down

h for a ni

dialed Sarina's phone number. On

?" Sarina's voice sou

I blurted out, "Alph

out a gasp, "


ear. I heard her start talking again, "Oh my God! You finally found you

t I don't want a mate." Irene grow

sighed, "Ye

m" I say quietly. The phone was silent for a fe

upted behind me. Quickly I turned around on the couch and my eyes widened. Alpha Parker was standing there with

ack" Sarina muttered into

owling back at him, "I'm not going with you." My voice

loud growl filled the air. I gasped as Alpha Par

e" I seethed and

o my pack with me." His voice got lower and more intimidating, "And if you do not cooperate and be

aled, not attempting

and stared me straight in the eye. "Do you understand?" He r

ping, I

ever say no against an Alph

aring a shirt. My cheeks heat up as I realize I was looking at his well-defined chest an

looked up and gulped when I noticed his

my dress had been bunched up my my waist. His eyes then moved u

neck. I shivered in delight as my wolf purred. He pull

couch completely confused

pid mat

pha Parker's nose grazing my neck was still felt and it didn't

pack house, I exit out of my house. The cool fall air brushed past my skin making me shiver. I

e center of the pack. Opening the door I entered. The lights were all off except for the livin

ing the spot next to him. Smili

ey" I

sks leaning back on the co

eally talking. After about two episodes I looked over at Anthony to see he was knocked out. Turning back to face the TV I continue to watch. After a few m

t I felt darkness surrou

lf growl. Squinting as my eyes adjusted to my surroundings I looked down and noticed arms around my waist as I laid in be

at his greeting already knowing that

the living room. Both of us turned o

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1 Chapter 1 Chapter 1-012 Chapter 2 Chapter 2-023 Chapter 3 Chapter 34 Chapter 4 Chapter 45 Chapter 5 Chapter 5-016 Chapter 6 Chapter 6-027 Chapter 7 Chapter 7-018 Chapter 8 Chapter 8-029 Chapter 9 Chapter 910 Chapter 10 Chapter 10-0111 Chapter 11 Chapter 11-0212 Chapter 12 Chapter 12-0113 Chapter 13 Chapter 13-0214 Chapter 14 Chapter 14-0115 Chapter 15 Chapter 15-0216 Chapter 16 Chapter 16-0117 Chapter 17 Chapter 17-0218 Chapter 18 Chapter 18-0119 Chapter 19 Chapter 19-0220 Chapter 20 Chapter 20-0121 Chapter 21 Chapter 21-0222 Chapter 22 Chapter 22-0123 Chapter 23 Chapter 23-0224 Chapter 24 Chapter 24-0125 Chapter 25 Chapter 25-0226 Chapter 26 Chapter 2627 Chapter 27 Chapter 27-0128 Chapter 28 Chapter 28-0229 Chapter 29 Chapter 29-0130 Chapter 30 Chapter 30-0231 Chapter 31 Chapter 31-0132 Chapter 32 Chapter 32-0233 Chapter 33 Chapter 33-0134 Chapter 34 Chapter 34-0235 Chapter 35 Chapter 35-0136 Chapter 36 Chapter 36-0237 Chapter 37 Chapter 37-0138 Chapter 38 Chapter 38-0239 Chapter 39 Chapter 39-0140 Chapter 40 Chapter 40-0241 Chapter 41 Chapter 41-0342 Chapter 42 Chapter 42-0143 Chapter 43 Chapter 43-0244 Chapter 44 Chapter 44-0345 Chapter 45 Chapter 45-0146 Chapter 46 Chapter 46-0247 Chapter 47 Chapter 47-0148 Chapter 48 Chapter 48-0249 Chapter 49 Chapter 49-0150 Chapter 50 Chapter 50-0251 Chapter 51 Chapter 51-0152 Chapter 52 Chapter 52-0253 Chapter 53 Chapter 53-0154 Chapter 54 Chapter 54-0255 Chapter 55 Chapter 55-0156 Chapter 56 Chapter 56-0257 Chapter 57 Chapter 57-0158 Chapter 58 Chapter 58-0259 Chapter 59 Chapter 59-0360 Chapter 60 Chapter 60-0161 Chapter 61 Chapter 61-0262 Chapter 62 Chapter 62-0363 Chapter 63 Chapter 63-0164 Chapter 64 Chapter 64-0265 Chapter 65 Chapter 65-0366 Chapter 66 Chapter 66-0167 Chapter 67 Chapter 67-0268 Chapter 68 Chapter 68-0369 Chapter 69 Chapter 69-0170 Chapter 70 Chapter 70-0271 Chapter 71 Chapter 71-0372 Chapter 72 Chapter 72-0173 Chapter 73 Chapter 73-0274 Chapter 74 Chapter 74-0175 Chapter 75 Chapter 75-0276 Chapter 76 Chapter 76-0177 Chapter 77 Chapter 77-0278 Chapter 78 Chapter 78-0179 Chapter 79 Chapter 79-0280 Chapter 80 Chapter 8081 Chapter 81 Chapter 8182 Chapter 82 Chapter 82-0183 Chapter 83 Chapter 83-0284 Chapter 84 Chapter 84-0185 Chapter 85 Chapter 85-0286 Chapter 86 Chapter 86-0187 Chapter 87 Chapter 87-0288 Chapter 88 Chapter 1-0189 Chapter 89 Chapter 2-0290 Chapter 90 Chapter 391 Chapter 91 Chapter 4-0192 Chapter 92 Chapter 5-0293 Chapter 93 Chapter 6-0194 Chapter 94 Chapter 7-0295 Chapter 95 Chapter 8-0196 Chapter 96 Chapter 9-0297 Chapter 97 Chapter 10-0198 Chapter 98 Chapter 11-0299 Chapter 99 Chapter 12-01100 Chapter 100 Chapter 13-02