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Alpha Betrayal

Chapter 2 Hidden past

Word Count: 1053    |    Released on: 19/03/2024

" Matt ordered Meanwhile, back in the store, Anna was asking Mr Hathaway a

have I done?

young lady, I can't deal w

es against asking qu

d, unfortunately for her she couldn't go back home after what she saw the

Jerry said"I can swear that it'

so too,"

en, those people are h

t, don't go near those hungry vampires

nterfered, jumping out

a, sneaking up on people

ans? Are you forgetting that you are

ain't dead"

ghed Annoyingly. "You were

ome here to do this time? You cause tro

I have come to warn you peacefully t

met her, haven't

."Arrgh!!!. Andrea Roared and immediately he and his men began attacking the Alpha's You have no right to make fun of us," Thomas said, referring to Alex, as the both of them exchange punches."Oh, i don't make fun of you my dear. Nature does that already." Alex added his eyes turned red, his teeth came out longs,.it was obvi

ou have said that this week." Raina added"Common

esn't know it yet." Matt mum said"What? How is that possible? isn't she supposed to be human? She is to run away from Andrea, and anything that looks like them, not run to them. Is that not right?" He asked"It would have been, there are a lot more stories that you all don't know of" The leader said"Well we are listening dad." Matt said"I can't begin to start talking" his Father Added"Well, I am sorry to disappoint Dad, if you want to keep your pack safe, you will need to start telling us everything you know about Anna." Matt aforesaid"Son!!!...his mother yelled. You don't talk to your father like tha

you are done mopping will you?" Mr Hathaway ordered"One minute sir." Anna called him back"What is it, young lady?" He turned back and asked.He watched Anna come closer to him b

want?" Mr H

n about my paymen

na." Mr Hathaway said

ing the job of almost three people. You need more emplo

he door to the mall.Few minutes later, while she was mopping the floor she saw someone's shadow on the wall which wasn't hers."Who is there?"

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