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Awaking The Sun

Chapter 2 Dream

Word Count: 3888    |    Released on: 19/03/2024

membered my dream. I was in a verdant forest, on the edge of a clearing. The forest was a labyrinth of twisted trees, with shadowy figures lurking in eve

. I recognized the stranger's face, but at the

the cold I had experienced only a moment earlier. I reached out my hand, yearning to touch the smooth,

right away I had never experienced a dream like that before. I felt that I needed to remember the dream the best I could

. As I wrote the dream's details, I made a point to describe the stranger's appe

ff my phone and lay back on my bed. The room was still dark; my roommate had already gotten up and left for her morning classes. T

haste. I knew I had to move fast if I was going to be able to make it be

dream wouldn't let go of me. A feeling that something was unfinished consumed me, like

l. I returned to my bedroom and started rummaging through my closet. I threw

all, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching m

The something grunted. I quickly turned back and s

ike porcelain, without a mark or freckle to be seen. Bright green eyes seemed to shift with every hue of green imaginable. He wore his

t both drawn to and intimidated by his abnormally perfect featur

ean to bother you. It looks like you're in a rush, but I'm looking for a young woman. Her name would be

meone like him would be asking about me. My defenses quickly shot up and I answered skeptically,

usly indifferent demeanor. "Easy enough," he said almost to himself. "I'll need you to come with me." He grabbed my hand. He began

his surprisingly gentle grip. I felt the familiar fire inside that came from having no

e into my hand and motioned me to look at the screen. On his phone was a picture of a young woman with strawberry blonde hair, surrounded by a beau

I recognized the forest from my dream. W

s a situation you caused." His voice was curt this time. I tried to read his expression. He looked like he wanted to tell me more, but he snapped hi

se and I certainly didn't cause a "situation". I was in my bed last night, and I wasn't walking

uth. How could I hike that far when I was

be in your best interest if you did." He met my gaze with th

icture and leave. I don't know what kind of scam you and your buddy are pulling, but

Kaelynn Barker, and if you do, no one will be here to prot

!" I spat. This man with his perfect face

peared. I felt like I could finally breathe again. I almost laughed at how serious this guy was, when it was so obvious it had been some kind of prank. What else could it be? There

the rest of the day, the photo

was all a dr

ed to end in th

lass was almost finished by the time I arrived, and I took

f my path for my major. Despite my love for the class, I found it hard to conce

t over my shoulder. I heard a sudden burst of quick, heavy steps as I left the classroom, and before I could react, I was nearly knocked off my feet. "Kae! You have to com

ardrums from her screeching. "Jeeze, Sky, any louder, and my ears

ou haven't been out in a while; I didn't buy you a fake ID for it to

led m

nd, and tonight was the only n

such an awful friend," I patronized with a soft laugh

r chin. "Seems like there is but one. I think you know it..." Her voice w

of me to just want to play pool at one of the local bars? I was never

g city energy. But we were like conjoined twins. I haven't left her side since we were twelve. "Hmmm, hard to say. Are you, by

n a few more times, continuing our little bit. As she was about to speak, she suddenly stopped herself, her mouth still open,

perpetrator was. Behind me was Jack, Sky's high school sweetheart, who had cheated on her the second we entered university. My

mmer before our freshman year. If I were to guess, t

ck to Skylar with a

ill missed hi

ling addiction to. As we entered the café, she quietly trailed behind me. I positioned her in one of the unoccupied chairs so that her lost

ase?" I asked, pulling my wallet out fro

size. With one look at Sky again, I

rink in Skylar's hand,

one of the main reasons I found myself working so much at the diner. That girl needs her pick

Jack by now, but like everything in this town,

?" I asked, breaking the comfortable

ll, it's three now; some of the girls are coming over soon to get ready; w

gear on. Sometimes I pictured a battle scene where makeup was their weapon of

room at like nine." I rep

face. I feigned a look of hurt and cupped my a

't a secretary for once." She looked me up and down with her nose scrunched. I kne

ooked more like a professional you

usually is th

this school doesn't have a dress code? That means I've been dressing up

ere going to be some cute guys from New York tonight. Time to get your slut on." I grimaced at her crude choic

guy's Instagram from the

a solid minute, fighting against her struggles, then pushed her and happily skipped

eren't trying to get into her pants, then there was no logical reason fo

in my dorm, I decide to take a quick nap. I knew

in my usual jeans and a plain T-shirt. With an hour left, I knew I needed to find some decent-looking clothes. I rolled off my

n I did. I turned toward Sara, who was currently laying on her bed with her headphones blasting into her

d knee. She jumped and pulled her headphones off

it'd be okay if I borrowed one of your dresses. I have nothing to

sking her when I saw the

on. She gave a satisfied nod after fixing up the bustline, then directed me to sit down while she began working on my hair, weaving

ised. My chest was exposed but modest enough that I couldn't complain. The 'maxi' dress hugged my lack of curves well -a long slit r

ng job." Sara said from behind me

too much? We're just go

u know how everyone dresses. And you think this is too much? You'

ly getting it. But n

g the clock and noticing that we h

k to her bed. She plopped on the bed and grasped her phone, preparin

feeling as though we were on the cusp of bondi

d away, stopping myself from feeling dejected, and grabbed my phone alon

hree minutes to w

opening the door moments later. Her face looked perfe

re but couldn't r

ns the door but pauses. "damn, you look amazing

e room. Three other girls sat around waiting as Sky finished up her eyeliner. Once Skylar spott

until I saw a half-empty tequila bottle to he

up, babes; I'm trying to get you laid tonight. Kno

d down my throat. Whatever concoction the girls had mixed in there was foul. I held back the gag that threatened to come up.

er right one. I turned away from her to the group of girls. I wasn't close

t brown hair. Her eyes were a beautiful hazel green with perfectly shaped la

ly felt, as I was pretty comfortable in my skin. But compared to them, I looked li

very once in a while, I wished for more fashion sense. More entici

softly said, "You look beautiful, Kae, don't overthink nothin'." Even though her words were sl

too long after, jumped into the conversation the rest of

ruggling to finish her makeup, we were finally ready. We gathered o

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