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A contract with the mafia lord

Chapter 6 Bounded to him

Word Count: 1234    |    Released on: 18/03/2024


to flutter open. For the next few minutes or so, she remained on the bed,

d on the bedside table. Reaching out for it, she di

meone important.” She mumbled,

y to the bathroom and after a warm bath, dres

ther with Armani, they had gone to purchase a lot of clot

n little darlings.” The chef, whom she had grown fond of and was her f

hole horse.” She said, yawning widely

back to work. It wouldn't take a lot of time.” He r

hen began eating as if her life depended on it. With each bite she took

cking her lips in satisfaction she said, “I'm already full now. It seems I succeeded in ea

oom where she was going to remain until she

had changed. She no longer has the opportunity to go out with frien

t her forehead, she floppe

ars by now because I wouldn’t have hesitated to strangulate those imps.” She scoffed, d

ology texts to her but she never replied to any and

until she fell asleep and when she woke up b

head in the direction. Wearing a scowl, she pushed her hair behind her ears

ted downstairs for four long hours j

her eyes were fixed on him. “What do you wan

house for any reason. He might return home la

” she s

ffer, Scarlett only has the privilege to see

would be gone and just before she

of the mansion, it is fo

he snapped, waving her phone in his face. “Or more s

o rejoin Damien and the rest of the men in the warehou

ys did, Scarlett became restless. She had grown used to

hat she had to toss her phone away to keep

was reaching out for her phone. Just as she was about to

?” She asked,

pep talk about it.” He reto

he shrugged and immediately, two pai

t as if you don't have my contact.” She roll

aused her eyes to snap open. Just as she was about to sw

d to do was to let out a scream but he quic

over his shoulder, his bare chest

e from him made her muscles weakened. Staring blankly at him, she watch

to ceiling portrait she hadn't seen before. Curious, she l

wall caves in, giving her a

ng her scream, she continued staring wide eyed at the weapons. The only recognizab

fter observing it for a while, he reached out f

turning his gaze to Scarlett who

d herself asking but go

lity. Scared, all she could do was to give a

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