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Shadow of the moon

Chapter 9 Information

Word Count: 1727    |    Released on: 18/03/2024

s late to work, if I had work to go to. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and ran a hand through my wild hair. This was

find me. . .

was daring me to disobey it. That meant Challenge Accepted, and to hell with the consequences. That is, if I could actually pull

had to turn in my statement to Howard, not that it'd help him much. Sti

ly a murderer, but the murderer they were looking for. I had proof it was the same guy. Th

knock on

u home?" It

lf. Still naked. I pee

into the bedroom and hopped into some clothes that weren't tor

g dressed, I could hel

id. I hopped into the other sock and to the door, and opened it. Randy stood


ok the envelope. "It's not m

his. He called me up and asked me to hand it to you personally

envelope. "He's pretty sneak

He looked past me at my apartment. "How you doing, anyway? The chief to

t had Jim's handwriting on it. The hair samp

faced Randy. "You ever able to r

and squinted. "Looks like something

's partial decryption told me what I wanted to know, but not what I wa

you have a statement to tur

it when I heard this knoc

ou're done. Be seeing you." He turned, but paused halfway and glanced over his

shook my hea

clothes." He studied me for a while longer and then shrugged. "Guess it's just

smiled. "And we never d

nodded. "Yep.

My eyes widened. I swung the door open and jumped into th

anced over his s

about the bodies they

see him roll his eyes. "Really

. "No, I was too busy w

Besides, the chief said no-go on telling y

itary confinement, but I


stairs and out of si

the apartment door,

. ." I

to learn the location,

other source for the info. It was

floors, and a clientele that made the Wolf's Den look chic. Skyscrapers were those dark shadows far

le-floor building were filled with vacant apartment buildings and office buildings with false fronts and false advertisement. Some said th

on the roof. I walked through the stained wooden door and into the dark, smoke-filled room. The walls were paneled in a depression black color th

en chairs that had limped through their sor

e slumped over the bar or coddling a large mug of the cheap alcohol. There were a few pool tables at the

h that somebody on the stools could get a good look at the guy who sat there by himself. I walked through the me

one slurred

I quipped as I, like

drenched in shadows a

f beer in front of him. On the table was a smart-phone with a large, bright screen. The screen was made so it could only be viewed from the

d in the underworld, and he was the

Quinn?" I

ars fewer than his husky, twelve-packs-a-day type of voice. Even after deali

ead from the screen. "You ever take a hint?" "Nope, but I'll take some info. That is, if y

His face, what little I could see between the cap and the high collar o

ot ever

my arms across my chest and shrugg

ntion to the smart-phone. "I'm not lett

I innocen

"I've got dough, but how much depends on the answer," I returned.


out old

et into this business t

ugh or

lopped down a small rol

my palm and slid them out of his reach. "You've see

o me and he retracte

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