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The Inner Beast

The Inner Beast

Author: Ceasar

Chapter 1 Green Hair

Word Count: 997    |    Released on: 16/03/2024

on fluttering behind her. The mistress, Mrs. Ryan, was in the throes of labor, her face contorted in pain as she braced herself for the arrival of

n's arms, was a boy with a shockingly unusual feature - a tuft of vibrant green hair that stood out starkly against the dimly lit room. Ga

ed infant. She had served the Ryan family for years and had never encountered such a peculiar occurrence. Her hands

the newborn child. Mrs. Ryan, exhausted but radiant, looked down at her unusual son with a mixture of awe and matern

ed around the green-haired baby boy, their expressions a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Despite the whispers of superstition an

hold giving birth to a cursed child. Tales of Jade's mysterious origins and unnatural appearance quickly

the negative rumors, making people believe that Jade is truly the harbinger of doom and destru

arbinger of misfortune and doom. Some claimed that Jade's birth had been foretold by the village's oldest seer,

d him fiercely despite the rumors that plagued their family. Mrs. Ryan, in particular, took it upon herself to shield her s

curious and adventurous spirit, much like his fa

turning from his long and mysterious adventure that had kept him away from his family for so many years. His eyes widened in

ettle over the Ryan household. Mr. Ryan's return brought a sense of stability and strength

take the inner beast test to find out what bea

unlock the true nature of his inner beast. As the days passed, Jade faced his fears and confronted his

ion. The elders studied him carefully, their eyes flickering with a mixture of awe and respect. And then, with a solemn nod, th

ews will spread like wildfire throughout the village, making people to not just fear him but would want to kill him. So they deci

d now the third born has a Wyvern, The Ryan family really lives up to their name of p

away Mr. Ryan decides to double up Jade's traini

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