His Little Slut
r, I tried to be quiet
H doesn't know wh
volume control, especial
and Clara was not dealin
ury like a nar
pered, "Your dad's
to myself, "Let's
her down in her bed took twenty minutes. Getting her on her
as currently in a similar state in the backseat of the Ub
ed on Clara's bed, I stare
I walked into the bathroom,
alcohol in their systems
h time for what
my party clothes, pungent now with
ell, then
pulled out a fresh towel and
and the stench of the day. I wanted to be fres
before slipping on a nightgown that was a l
wn my skin until the hem br
my own eyes, knowing that this was the point of no return,
ghts, the cuts and bruises to my ego that I'd had to endure, t
and the white-hot rag
kind of body and face that men couldn't seem to resist, and coupled with th
darkness, the distant glow of the sodium streetlights made the shado
e, a set of rooms I'd only been in
aking dinner. It was eighth grade, and Clara wanted
er's underwear drawer and fished out a massive, purple dildo, giggl
anded on a wastebasket and the pair of tie
een out of t
would have recognized this for what it was –
s, I sai
riendship, I knew better than t
e knob of this forbidden
adjust to the gloom. The door latch gave a quiet 'cli
, George Coleman lay asleep on his back, a
watching the slow, regular
eside him, gently pulling back the
ked when I noticed the insiste
we can help h
ers around him when his hand
o you think