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Word Count: 1752    |    Released on: 15/03/2024


ed with the hollow sound of my footsteps

ons stormed within me. Why was I the one being cast

usive answers that seemed to slip through my grasp. The weight of rejecti

forced by a mild Alpha command, should have stirred a storm within me, but instead, a strange tranquillity pr

of a person grappling with a reality that seemed surreal. The image staring ba

ngs, I took one last look, heart heavy with t

the mysteries that had led to this moment of departure. The calmness of my wolf remained a

d my mother's arrival, hoping for an explanation, a shred of understanding in this bewildering situation

se entered with a hesitant expression. Confusion mingled with a flicker of

gan her voice a mix o

it to come to

till fresh in my heart. "Sorry for what R

owledgement in her gaze. "I never meant to

excuse everyone seems to be using. I deserve more th

h is, I had Paul first, and I can't bear to let go of him. I

xture of disbelief a

hing? You'd rather see me leave than make a

the man she loved. "I never wanted it to be like this, Amber. Bu

ess settled within me. The sisterly bond we had shared, s

he was making. I asked the most logical question. "Rose, your mate is

ed silent, a steadfast refusal to

than this," I insisted, my voice quive

bond but the potential for a mea

, continued to ignore my p

u're doing? The moon goddess gave us destined mates

, Rose remained unmoved, the choice


th Paul, go ahead. But know that you're not just taking your sister's mate, you're also

ity that the bonds I thought were unbreakable were now strained by choices made and a sister who

with the impending departure,

dreams, a vivi

w. A woman, ethereal and wise, appeared before me. Her eyes held the de

e echoing like a gentle breeze. "Fate, thoug

destinies of true mates, once entangled, can withstand the trials of time and

bsorbed the woman's words, the weight on h

t in stone. True mates will find each other again, and the bo

he future. The mysterious woman extended a hand,

t is a dance, ever-changing and filled with possibiliti


in my heart. The mate bond, an invisible tether that once brought comfort, was now twisted with an ache tha

p in my eyes. The intimate moments between Paul and Rose played out in my mind,

plify the very source of agony. The weight of rejection and the undeniable evidence of Paul and Rose's intimacy

. Wiping away tears, I reluctantly composed myself, a façade masking the emotiona

my heartbreak resonating in the quiet corridors. The morning light

at the family table. I had anticipated a moment of connection, a shared meal with my family

tend to," the servant explained, their

faces accentuated the solitude that had become my companion. The scent of untouched

ithin me. The taste of loneliness mingled with the flavours of the aband

draped in an air of authority, entered the room. Thei

avant declared, their to

your t

rrival marked the commencement of my journey away from the pack, a j

that once held the warmth of family. With a heavy heart, I prepared to gather my belo

a cruel symphony of farewell. The corridors seemed to close in around me as I overhea

t Luna," one voice praised

unbreakable," another chimed in, a note

n one. The echoes of my departure resonated in the conversations around me, a reminder of the shifting dynami

of Rose's suitability as Luna became a haunting backdrop to my farewell, underscoring the sense of di

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