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Ties That Bind Us

Chapter 5 Gunshots and Wounds

Word Count: 2176    |    Released on: 16/03/2024

n the world is

ng, especially considering the circumstances. I watched him closely, tryi


d and scattered in all directions. Without hesitation, Adrian sprang into action. In one swift motion, he moved with lightning speed,

me with his body, his eyes darting around as he returned f

nd us like thunder. As much as I'd hate to admit Adrian's firm

f the three men yelled, his voi

ors!" another shouted, his words d

ound us, their bodies tense with readiness

ched the scene unfold before me. Adrian's voice cut th

ds piercing through the noise of the gunfight. "Matteo, take th

as I clung to Adrian's steady presence, tr

ned and focused. "I've got eyes on the SUVs. The

eapon. "I'll cover you, Matteo. Just give t

h on my watch." Enzo scanned the surroundings, his

let them get any closer. Take o

olding battle as he kept a steady hold o

, instinctively pressing closer to Adri

d SUV. Taking it out now." Matteo

s shot found its mark, the SUV swerving off

ice shot, Matteo. Keep them on their toes.

ke they're trying to flank us." Alexei's voice c

it. Cover me." Enzo

set in determination. "

g into the shadows as he mov

e streets. Adrian's voice cut through the noise, calm and command

heart pounding in my chest as

s again. "We've got more incoming. Looks

m. "We need to hold this position until backup ar

won't let you down, boss. We'll f

're closing in fast. We need

he formulated a plan. "We'll make a push for the alleyway to

th adrenaline as I prepared to

r faces obscured by ominous black masks, continuing their relentless assault from the sa

ts whizzing past us like angry hornets. Adrian's grip on me loosened for a

gaze in a silent yet meaningful exchange locking with the man

away fro

nd urgent, but his eyes held so

d to fight against being led away like

al a glance back at Adrian. His expression was unreadable, a mask of sto

lmost there when we stumbled, crashing t

lexei's shoulder with brutal precision. He collapsed, writhing in agony, his fingers cla

into action, scrambling to my feet and rushi

ically pressed my hands against his bleeding shoul

voice cracked with desperation, my

nerves jangling with a

r, tears welling in his eyes. "Y-You're... you're a docto

to steady my trembling hands. "Just ho

his breath coming in ragged gasps. "It hurts

sion as I worked frantically to stem the blee

rying to keep my own voice steady despite the

mmer of hope in the chaos of the moment. But the sounds o

rgently, my hands pressing harder against

asped, his voice barely above a

his pocket, thank heavens it wasn't locked, my fingers

, he picked up

out, my voice shaky bu

plied, his tone st

his voice strained with pain. "Remem

ling hands. "Right, right," I muttered to mysel

out weakly, his voice

s. "Save your breath, he's here," I assured him,

es wide with concern. "What happened?" h

ted out through clenc

set with determination. "We

he quickest route to safety which I didn

car," I instructed, tryin

any signs of danger. "Alright, let's get h

ei to his feet, supporting him as

, trying to keep my voice steady de

through clenched teeth,

waiting just outside. Enzo quickly opened the back door, and with

instructed, handing me a cloth be

oulder as gently as I could manage. "Hang in the

oad. The engine roared to life, and we sped off toward the

hale accompanied by a grimace of pain. "Did backup arri

arview mirror. "Yes, they're handling

the only sound being the hum of the engine

e Salvatore mansion. Enzo wasted no time in al

out of the car and rushed him into the man

y voice trembling with fear as we

reply, his grip on my hand tightening as

and gently but firmly stopped me in my tracks. "Alina, you

But I need to be with him," I protested, my voice tin

ow you want to help, but you're not stable right now," he said, his to

"Besides, this isn't the first time Alexei's been shot," he said, his

ht. I wasn't in any state to assist in the medical room, m

d on my shoulder. "Guards will escort you to Ad

odded, and Enzo motione

st glance towards the closed door of the medica

step inside. The room was quiet and dimly lit, a stark contrast to the chaos outsi

oing in the recesses of my mind. "Sleep well for now, Alina," it hissed, a cold

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