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Author: XossNaomi

Chapter 1 *Jerk!*

Word Count: 1758    |    Released on: 13/03/2024



rant owner. She was usually short-tempered, irritable, and would charge

ys done by Samuel, the chef. I heard from the other waitresses that the guests over th

d face with my hand. I barely had any sleep last night because I was on a night shift

icky eater, and he would never taste food from a place where there's no proper hygiene. Wash your hands clean, go." Sh

n?" I as

after so many years. He's here today with his friends and I do

he tray, everything shou

paring a glance at the chef and at her to get a consenting

f the table, a bunch of guys was seated, discussing in the p

xception. Now which one was he? I stopped to ask myself for a minute, looking from one face to the other to find any young man with

owering height. Now that I look at him, he was the most handsome at the table. He has a huge figure, beautiful hazel eyes, a broad nose, straight lips wit

was melting away, and I didn't realize that he had come so close to me until his lips grazed mine, who wa

ixed with bubble gum and somehow, it made butterflies go over my head as I

a windy day, and it sent some chills down my spine, making me blush unco

m?" I s

you," he

that it was the first time I saw a man so straightforwardly hitting on

p. My hair was always messy because I couldn't afford to go to the salon on weekends, they were so expensive, and I spend all my time in the week switching betwee

he was wearing on his finger, lifting my hand and fixing

get you a good ring, but I w

n making a clear decision. I looked at the stranger's face, he had a genuine look and truthful

red softly, I think everyone heard that because the next thing was an outburst of laughter

ed to something, getting up from his kneeling posi

and I know what I am." He boasted with a smirk on his face. "

ghingstock for everyone present here. I picked one glass filled with water, tapped


, my hand ran across his fac

ing his cheek that must ha

e?" He asked i

th the surface. "Yes, I did," I replied, my v

e and hurt in his eyes, probably

ver my chest, waiting for his

icker of curiosity, he ha

hamed for being used as entertainment for everyone. I always loved staying

ttered to land him

you and your friends should leave before I decided to call security on you," I ranted. Forgetting that Madam Taylor's son should be one of

." I ordered everyone of them at the table, trying to

t stop. His lips moved close to my ear with his hitching breath, "You know, you're going to pay for hitting me with this filthy hand of

it caused Madam Taylor and the head che

ing her here made me gain some sort of co

claimed, removing my hand fro

e, perhaps for some YouTube subscribers by pranking me

it, son? I stood perplexed for a minute with the sounds still ringing in my ear, wait, son! I asked myself agai

retch?!" Her voice had turned hoa

ted me here? To disgrace me?"

f. He pushed down everything thing from the table with clattering sounds, roaring frustrati

he dark expression on his face, "Don't let me set eyes on you ev

never needed to see you, TAYLO

they all got up and left. I watch them leave before realizing I


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