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Mated to three

Chapter 23 She says, she still loves me

Word Count: 1073    |    Released on: 02/04/2024

t, it seem like they just started having sex, she turn

you do to me? He asked, get

were making love to me". She lie

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1 Chapter 1 The missing groom2 Chapter 2 Confused in the woods.3 Chapter 3 The meeting with the pack 4 Chapter 4 Welcome home son.5 Chapter 5 Scary realization 6 Chapter 6 Meeting the alpha7 Chapter 7 Meeting Blair again8 Chapter 8 I love you Blair9 Chapter 9 Please, just F*CK me already!10 Chapter 10 Could it even be real 11 Chapter 11 Magical feather12 Chapter 12 His magical kiss, removed all weakness from 13 Chapter 13 I cannot make love to you, if you are crying.14 Chapter 14 Needy s*x in the chamber of flames15 Chapter 15 Astra, meet my love, Blair.16 Chapter 16 I am obligated to be with them, but my heart, belongs to only you.17 Chapter 17 I defeated the black moon pack once, and I can do it again.18 Chapter 18 I am cursed, not to have children 19 Chapter 19 You should go out with me, on a date20 Chapter 20 An act of seduction 21 Chapter 21 About before.22 Chapter 22 Just this one time, please make me feel like a woman23 Chapter 23 She says, she still loves me24 Chapter 24 I love her more than my own life 25 Chapter 25 Did you fuck her 26 Chapter 26 Guilt is an open wound27 Chapter 27 Time with Tangy28 Chapter 28 Move on with me29 Chapter 29 Special blood 30 Chapter 30 Strange Frederick 31 Chapter 31 Just a drop32 Chapter 32 Sexual message 33 Chapter 33 Only a little is needed to cure anyone34 Chapter 34 Are you married 35 Chapter 35 It is time, to take you to my kingdom.36 Chapter 36 Going back to the pack 37 Chapter 37 Welcome party38 Chapter 38 Erotic dance moves39 Chapter 39 Sex after the dance40 Chapter 40 please just kiss me s41 Chapter 41 Soon we will be graduating.42 Chapter 42 Can I have a bath with you 43 Chapter 43 I want you in my life 44 Chapter 44 Ahhhh! She moans, as she sucks on her vagina45 Chapter 45 Just one round and you are already tired 46 Chapter 46 Serving her dog food 47 Chapter 47 He didn't choose goddess did48 Chapter 48 No I won't give up49 Chapter 49 A welcome punch 50 Chapter 50 Wedding in paris51 Chapter 51 Another union with Astra52 Chapter 52 Jayden never let go of both their hands53 Chapter 53 Hi, I'm Tangy, and I am a were woman .54 Chapter 54 This is gonna be harder than I thought55 Chapter 55 Believing that he will fall for her soon56 Chapter 56 You are my morning tea, and I must eat you first.57 Chapter 57 Tangy, please sit with me58 Chapter 58 Walk with me 59 Chapter 59 Getting all the attention 60 Chapter 60 Red with jealousy 61 Chapter 61 The story behind Demini pack62 Chapter 62 Passionate kiss 63 Chapter 63 Did you feel anything 64 Chapter 64 I don't ever want to see you with leap again65 Chapter 65 You know I cannot stand any man, being this close to you66 Chapter 66 The attack on the alpha67 Chapter 67 A rare blood is needed68 Chapter 68 The demand for mogana69 Chapter 69 Jealous Marinara 70 Chapter 70 Special blood 71 Chapter 71 Don't get me angry72 Chapter 72 Evil plot against Blair73 Chapter 73 Werewolves are being turned to stones74 Chapter 74 The real hybrid75 Chapter 75 We need to get Mogana out of this palace 76 Chapter 76 Visit me at our secret place.!77 Chapter 77 You don't deserve to be Queen of submarine kingdom 78 Chapter 78 I am sorry son, I failed to protect her, she is dead.79 Chapter 79 The humans are our problem 80 Chapter 80 What do I do first 81 Chapter 81 The plot to kill Blair 82 Chapter 82 She was already dead83 Chapter 83 Banishment will be a mild punishment, I will make it everlasting agony84 Chapter 84 Hurricane 85 Chapter 85 The fight with the spirit python 86 Chapter 86 The dead looks like she is just asleep87 Chapter 87 Maybe she is not dead88 Chapter 88 True confession 89 Chapter 89 I will destroy everything that matters to you 90 Chapter 90 Please leave my room!91 Chapter 91 The fight with the black moon Alpha92 Chapter 92 More haste, less speed 93 Chapter 93 Why did you slay, the love of my life 94 Chapter 94 The one that demanded for the blue cocktail killed Blair95 Chapter 95 Tangy, did you kill Blair 96 Chapter 96 Still inlove with her, even in death97 Chapter 97 How can I bring her back to life 98 Chapter 98 Instead of taking a walk, why not come into my room 99 Chapter 99 Squeeze my breast100 Chapter 100 The search for Tangy