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Chapter 4 I'm Not A Doctor!

Word Count: 1301    |    Released on: 11/03/2024

nning table. He opened the lunch box and was gr

I'll be getting such an aromantic lunch delivered to me at t

ptop as if he did not see or

he food she had delivered, Donald did him the

unch. Trust me, this is the best I've ever had. The best, do you hear me? Oh my God! You are marrie

ses till he finished eve

fingers, he went to the was

well to Darryl and we

l. He had a very busy day, so h

y got up from his seat and took the do

ase and ordered his assist

got to the Mansion. He placed his briefc

me time and placed it in his drawe

es, he came out, laid on


he ground and in the garden. It was obviou

bad cough. It seemed the

n nine years now and seeing faces she doesn't remem

soup, and she was sweating profusely in bed, shivering all over.

She comes everyday to check up on her, ever since she got i

ery morning as a routine because, the Old Maste

time and not receiving any response

on her door for sometime now but there's no response. I think someth

a doctor, get the spare key and

ow when she's actually a lazy bone, and she's tired of co

m and quickly took the Maste

e before her eyes scared her to

Take her to the hospital if you think there's something wrong with he

asked some of the servants to help her ta

ts were run on her. Her fever broke down after a

e look and you can tell that it was mad

ry. Her perfectly smooth skin was as white as snow and he

extremely disheveled and her beautif

three days without going

ey lived like total strangers. Therefore

that was h

e first day that, marriage is just a sham and

t morning, he realized that she looked better than the previous day

Master Julian Shaw, Darryl's father, to give him the update. "Old Master, the doctor said tha

the bills already?"

he replied and

his morning and cannot make it." Mavis

tle the bill, I don't know what to do with t

a got discharged and her personal

f to the Sh

was greeted by a sophisticatedl

a gum in an exag

n with a very thick makeup o

l fact, she was dressed in very re

ou are the one who took the title of Mrs Shaw from me. Righ

uick reminder, I am not someone a little girl like you can ever mess with. So

t, I am so sorry.

re ready to be Mrs. Shaw, then be ready to dance

er bedroom. It was still daytime a

is lady had been given her o

gail Duke, Young Master Shaw's fiance. Oh no. I mean eerh, she

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