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The Alpha With The Kiss Of Death

Chapter 5 No. 4

Word Count: 2208    |    Released on: 08/04/2024

hreatening to suffocate him but he managed to

ow growl to the ladies who

heads and scurrie

ll, taking in deep breaths to calm t

e reason he couldn't tell, he felt a burning rage within hi

mages played out in his head, igniting a blaze of jealousy and possessiveness as he i

bother him. Besides, he hated he

ose nasty images, he was tormented by

sist the urge to take her and make her his at that point. Her

is eyes, running his hand through his sleek, lo

one hurting yourself. You can't fight this for too lo

s duty to always point out the bitter t

to Reyana? She means nothing to me, and you k

op fighting what you feel for her. Take her before someone else does,"

never going to give in


s brimmed with tears as she searched Randall's cold eyes, "please, you have to treat her wit

ith admiration. He wished she could see through his coldness to know how much he cherished her, bec

ever offer to people, no matter who they were - no o

is voice tinging with bitterness as he stood up from the large wooden bed a

o with Valerie's death? Have you ever thought it through?" She knew how

with measured control of his emotions, sniffing one of the fresh flowers he had in his hand in a bi

to accept whatever fate brings my way. I am sorry about the way I reacted

r, crouching in front of her to meet her sm

d?" he took her fra

all I've got and I don't know what I'd do if I

. You are the one I love and nothing is ever going to change

d, knowing how difficult that ques

Not even the mate bond, Visha. I have utmost

w you can't reject her... I

council wants me to make her my Luna." H

reat news," She let out a shaky smile, "our pack will

with her being by his side as his Luna. Everything

dreamed of, and she knew it was only a matter of time

k I have so much of a choice. But I want you

tand, Randall..." her

's Luna, but you...

yes lit up with questions, "How do you mean?" she cleaned off

wife... You'll bear my mark and have m

oice called out as her fa

ing a soft, wet kiss on her plump lips, "I've missed this so much,

pushing her onto the bed. His kiss was urgent and needy, co

Don't you want this?" His warm breath fanned the crook

attempted to push his huge fr

thought he could finally get a release after the t

muscular chest rising and falling w

icked up his sleeves from the floor,

, "I'm sorry..." She reached out to

hat, Visha.


eks now. You don't let me touch you... Have I done something wrong?

rong. I just..." She w

u want me to hold onto?" He buckled his leather belt, picked up his sword, and securely put it into its she


rumming in her ears. She contemplated backing out now but

to herself as she peeped through her small w

t a good time. She was obviously having another argument with her mate,

ent wish in her heart for Tar

, she peeped through the window again an


the fortress. The fortress was meant for the Alpha and some of his trusted

of the fortress, his heavy boots

ing on in his head. All he needed was a

had obviously spent a lot of time taking his solo walk. He was far fro

. His anger had dissipated and he

out of the woods, a figure covere

to each other's eyes, he imme

in a calm tone as he hoped ther

hed for the perfect explanation to give t

on, and that's because his actions can be very deadly. S

n he'd have to be selfish yet again, just to save

was beginning to l

wisted with guilt as he thought about how betrayed Reyana would feel about this. But then, it's for the be

lood boiling with rage, fear, panic... His eyes wer

"you heard me right, Alpha Randall. We must hurry now before she g

f him hoped this wasn't true... For Rey

o she decided to run away," Aldric began his convincing tale, "I tried talking her out of it but she

uldn't tell if it was anger or pain. All he wa

," he said, "You've scared her away, Randall. And I hope nothing happens to her, else, I'll

e ground tremble as he transformed into his gigantic b

wolf, running in the same direction as the Alpha.

a so much pain. The least he can do now is

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