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War And Peace

War And Peace


Book 1 Chapter 1

Word Count: 2038    |    Released on: 20/11/2017

f you again allow yourself to palliate all the infamies and atrocities of this Antichrist (upon my word, I believe he is), I don't know you in future, y

ng to Prince Vassily, a man high in rank and office, who was the first to arrive at her soirée. Anna Pavlovna had been coughing for the last few days; she had an attack of la grippe

of spending an evening with a poor invalid is not too alarming to you, I s

certed at such a reception. He was wearing an embroidered court uniform, stocking

ronising intonations peculiar to a man of importance who has grown old in court society. He went up to Anna Pavlovna, kis

y," he said, with no change of his voice and tone, in which indifference,

help being worried in these times, if one has any feeling?" sai

esday. I must put in an appearance there," said the princ

ff. I confess that all these festivitie

ve been put off," said the prince, from habit, like a wound

n decided in regard to the Novosilt

ne. "What has been decided? It has been decided that Bonaparte h

e her pose in society, and at times even when she had, indeed, no inclination to be so, she was enthusiastic so as not to disappoint the expectations of those who knew her. The affected smile which played continually about Anna Pavlovna'

on about politics, Anna Pavl

l his mission-to strangle the hydra of revolution, which is more horrible than ever now in the person of this murderer and miscreant.... Whom can we reckon on, I ask you? ... England with her commercial spirit will not comprehend and cannot comprehend all the loftiness of soul of the Emperor Alexander. She has refused to evacuate Malta. She tries to detect, she seeks a hidden motive in our actions. What have they said to Novosiltsov? Nothi

God and the lofty destiny of our adored emperor. He will save Europe!"

ead of our dear Wintsengerode, you would have carried the Prussian kin

e de Mortemart; he is connected with the Montmorencies through the Rohans, one of the best families in France. He is one of the goo

chief motive of his visit: "is it true that the dowager empress desires the appointment of Baron Funke as first secretary to the Vienna legation? He is a poor creature, it app

neither she nor any one else could pass judgment on

choly, and this happened whenever she mentioned in conversation her illustrious patroness. She said that her Imperial Majesty had been graciously pleased to show great esteem to Baron Funke, and again a shade of melancholy passed over her face. The prince preserve

that your daughter, since she has come out, charms e

n token of respect

begin: "I often think how unfairly the blessings of life are sometimes apportioned. Why has fate given you two such splendid children-I don't include Anatole, your youngest-him I don't lik

led her ecs

d have said that I have not the bu

sed with your youngest son. Between ourselves" (her face took its mournful express

t him significantly, she waited in silen

w I have done everything for their education a father

difference," he said, with a smile, more unnatural and more animated than usual, bringing out wi

eren't a father, I could find no fault with you,

s. My children are the bane of my existence. It's the c

a gesture expressing his resignation to a

ave a mania for matchmaking. I have never been conscious of this failing before, but I have a little pe

nd memory characteristic of worldly people, he signified by a motio

usand roubles a year?" he said, evidently unable to re

on? These are the advantages of being a fa

mperor, and nicknamed the 'Prussian King.' He's a very clever man, but eccentric and tedious. The poor little thing is as unhappy

for some reason bending it downwards. "Arrange this matter for me and I am your fai

the maid-of-honour's hand, kissed it, and as he kissed it waved her hand, w

ife of young Bolkonsky) this very evening, and perhaps it can be a

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