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Ceo First love

Chapter 5 electricity

Word Count: 1392    |    Released on: 25/02/2024

to say hello when we see each other around town, which has been often. - It's not personal, believe me. He just doesn't interact with anyone. You will only waste your time. I

or. I wasn't obsessed with my appearance in relation to Elijah, it was just a bit of concern, perhaps, because I want

always worried about my appearance, putting pressure on myself to always look pretty and well-groomed for my husband and even my in-laws, in an incessant search for approval. However, now my

ter all, my visit to Elijah was just a kindness; there was nothing romantic about it. I slipped the coat over my shoulders and returned to the kitchen, feeling relieved that Hazel was gone. I looked at my wristwatch, checking the time. I still had an hour before I had to pick Audrey up from school. From

ade it look like no one had looked through them in years. I held the container tightly in my hands and climbed the three flights of stairs, towards the front door. I noticed that the boards that made up the porch were misaligned and some of them seemed loose. A layer of dirt accumulated in the corners, as if no one had bothered to sweep or clean for a long time. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath, gathering the courage to knock on

the main house, before turning to the shed in front of me. With careful steps, I approached the shed door, my heart beating faster with every inch I advanced. - Elijah! - I called for him. My voice sounded almost like a shaky whisper, but I got no response, just the hollow echo of my own voice in the air. I took a deep breath and, with a mix of nervousness and determination, I peered into the open space. Despite the dim light, I managed to glimpse the silhouette of an easel, on which a canvas rested, filled with a drawing that I couldn't identify. The class

, I captured every detail of him. The sweatshirt he wore was still the same as before, only now stained by paint splatters. Even though the tension grew between us, I couldn't help but be captivated by his presence. The rebellious youth that had once lived in his eyes had evolved to an intriguing depth, making his features even more magnetic. His once rebellious and long dark hair, now shorter, fell in disheveled locks, giving him an attractive appearance. The amber gaze reflected a complex mix of bitterness, suffering and veiled secrets. The full lips, however, closed by imminent anger, took me back to

- You must be crazy, Liv! - Rachel held my arm tightly, preventing me from moving forward. - We've already come t

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