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Attracted To The Alpha: A Rogue Plight

Chapter 3 Hard Decision

Word Count: 1057    |    Released on: 25/02/2024

thing about it," Ralph said. He might be lying, but Katie had no other choice but to believe him. As much as she wanted to rip out his throat, she still needed him to treat Peter, and that pisse

pecting you then," Ralph said with a grin as he watched Katie turn away, but then she suddenly stopped. "I brought Peter here, so give him enough treatment to ease his pain before I return with the money," "I told you, you need to pay before I heal--" "If he dies before I come back," Katie Interrupted and then released her aura which made everyone in the room freeze with fright. "Then consider your life forfeit. All of you in this room." Cold sweat trickled down Ralph's face as Katie's eyes glowed wolf, and he nodded to Katie's order. She then walked away, and everyone in the room let out a sigh of relief. Ralph was dazed, he couldn't believe he had toyed with someone so scary. He had met all kinds of people in his line of work, so he knew or rather felt it in his bone that Katie was definitely someone not be mess around with. She had the aura of a killer, and that couldn't be formed by killing just one or two people, but a dozen above. Ralph gulped, he had barely escaped death. If it wasn't for her brother, she would have easily killed him. Though he would rather not treat the kid at all, if he wasn't going to be paid, but with that threat, he had no option. 'Just enough, so he doesn't die, but not enough to recover.' Sure, he could do that. It was his specialty. "Boss, are you alright?" one of his bodyguards asked, but Ralph stood and slapped him on the face. "You fucking bastards can't even do your job properly. All of you are fired get out of my sight." * Katie brushed Peter's hair as he laid on the clinic bed, still unconscious. "Don't worry peter, I'll be back soon, I promised" she kissed his forehead before walking out of the clinic. It was raining, but Kati

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