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Chapter 3 Alethia met Ethan

Word Count: 2760    |    Released on: 23/02/2024

er her clothes, and it left her with goosebumps and her head swelling from overthinking. It was a few minutes past 5 pm by that time and tha

h she could feel a strange peace, it hit her somehow that such peace had not come without a p

ing, so the sound of its thud on the

and moved around a bit, trying to find a positive ground

aby, I'm

st time, it seemed to be a bother. She called on Alethia again and listened in, not quit

hundering up the stairs. She halted to catc

tly and slowly, placed the side of he


ordered. Alethia had spread her bed as if it was the last time she would be sleeping on it. When Emily checke

t left her feeling like a crazy woman, and it was then that she couldn't keep her tea

to the living room. On a thought she wanted to report her daught

uld head to, but choosing the right direction was taking a toll on her. She inhaled deeply and held her forehe

een better, she admitted. Now she had to look for


a small purse. And her order had already been brought before she realized that she doesn't eve

g okay?" the

the house, she couldn't believe that she forgot to bring some cash. Her

raightened up. "I'm sorr

rrying the order back to he


an I pay y

h as I'd like to h

reminded her stomach of the hunger, and it rather became more discomforting to bear. She wa

when she heard a man approach the counter and ask how much was he

. He was tall and manly with broad shoulders. She surmised he visits th

n Alethia hadn't seen a man as handsome as that as well. His face was purposeful, like a man who could only get one thing done at a time, so he wasn't looking a

ing her stomach was more important than any shame. She admitted it was kind of th

irl's bills. The more she thought about his reaction towards her, the more she got furious. There was something about him that pissed her off. She could feel herself being pulled to him the way s

him. He smiled condescendingly,

know that?" she watched his face as he squeezed it.

ips. And those lips were very attractive. He smiled so well that Alethia felt seeing him smile could make anyo

anything to dr

ately offered her his jui

rry," h

outright at h

ve snubbed you

he knew what he did wrong? He mu

hat pu


proach you instead? That must

ave other ways to char

to her. She could feel how easy it was to talk to him and to connect with him. She was sure

ourself attractiv

ou let me show you the other way I have to charm a woman? Who knows, I might j

ake of her life? He was offering a hand, and for some reasons unknown to her, she couldn't res

fered comfort. She didn't know when her head moved forward, but she knew when she placed her head on his chest, the warmth strangely felt like home. The last she'd felt this comfort

nt. Once reality hits her, she jumps away from hi

you o

d was head bent on utilizing it at every chance. Even she knew this, and it drew her to

g?" he asked as h

even though he was asking her to. She didn't k

knew. So maybe she was running away, away from home and from

when she heard the sound of an empty beverage ri



uck, the can landed on her head. While she was confu

ve hurt," he

speratedly. "You m

his time she was able to duck. Then she picked a can as well and threw it at him.

th now?" she

asted for a few seconds until they were both tired. Then while she sat

offering her the ice cream. She couldn't figure out how he knew th

u run away?" He

a seer or did have some kind of pow


ious that you ain't a traveler, and you not being able to pay for your

weighing her heart down. He peered his eyes to be sure that he was concerned about her, but the l

on replacing my dad,

at did he have to

wouldn't b

read her countenance. Once he'd caught

didn't…" She i

's fi

regrets she'd had, but because they were things of the past that can't be fixed into the future, it t

ven months, and she's alr

ith caution now. "Maybe

to face him, and

must have h

been seeing this new man long before Dad died. She m

atred, but underneath everything, he could feel the love she had for her mother.

uldn't have planned for losing your dad, and now she had to be there for you while being there for herself at t

e more she could feel the relief that was sweeping over her. By the time she

d do that,

n?" she was s

beautiful whe

wave inside her, and it was th

nk y

d and leaned sideways to


ar. We live longer by chance. The best we can do is

Have I told you you're suc

't be the first tim

eave as well. She would have said no to him offering her some cash for her bus far

d darn her self dignity that she couldn't tell him outright that she didn't wan

en she wasn't expectin

g will be

deeply to forget it immediately. She could already feel that their encounter wasn'

, by the way

led. "

would be hearing that name the same day. But this Ethan didn't strike her as her would-be stepfather. He

she said to herself. By then he was gone, and s

rest. He was nowhere to be found, and now she wondered if he did exist.

e'll always

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue2 Chapter 2 Emily & Alethia3 Chapter 3 Alethia met Ethan4 Chapter 4 Back Home5 Chapter 5 Fantasies6 Chapter 6 The Beginning7 Chapter 7 Hate or Love 8 Chapter 8 Almost9 Chapter 9 Steamy Night10 Chapter 10 Complicated11 Chapter 11 Jealous or not12 Chapter 12 Dilemma 13 Chapter 13 Jealousy 14 Chapter 14 Let's hate him15 Chapter 15 We hate, and we love16 Chapter 16 You make my heart go wild17 Chapter 17 Breathless18 Chapter 18 We are broken19 Chapter 19 Finding a boyfriend 20 Chapter 20 Tension and love21 Chapter 21 His allergic reaction 22 Chapter 22 At the brink of death23 Chapter 23 Kiss and guilt24 Chapter 24 Untold feelings25 Chapter 25 Bad timing 26 Chapter 26 Love lessons27 Chapter 27 Hearts and brains28 Chapter 28 Drop dead gorgeous 29 Chapter 29 Apology and retaliation 30 Chapter 30 Retribution31 Chapter 31 Desires32 Chapter 32 Naked desires33 Chapter 33 Your image in my head34 Chapter 34 The proposed proposal35 Chapter 35 The unrest and a breath of fresh air36 Chapter 36 Do you love me or not 37 Chapter 37 Carnal desires38 Chapter 38 The morning after39 Chapter 39 We're not having sex today40 Chapter 40 Restrictions 41 Chapter 41 Sex, please...42 Chapter 42 These Feelings...43 Chapter 43 The case44 Chapter 44 Emergency 45 Chapter 45 Working the case together 46 Chapter 46 A narrow escape47 Chapter 47 The cheaters 48 Chapter 48 The big question49 Chapter 49 When disaster loomed50 Chapter 50 Another narrow escape 51 Chapter 51 Sixth senses 52 Chapter 52 Caught53 Chapter 53 Confusion 54 Chapter 54 The impulsive confrontation55 Chapter 55 Taking sides56 Chapter 56 Losing ourselves 57 Chapter 57 Longing, but staying away58 Chapter 58 Without him, life is...59 Chapter 59 Nowhere to run to60 Chapter 60 When can we make love again 61 Chapter 61 Love and love62 Chapter 62 Epilogue