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Alpha Kurt

Alpha Kurt


Chapter 1 At the party

Word Count: 1286    |    Released on: 23/02/2024

words hurt a lot. They were like s

o something that would hurt himself even more. “I, Kurt Dolph, Alpha of

at, only


terest me at all was extremely annoying and I just wanted an opportunity to get r

atting him on the shoulder, before walking away from the hall. He didn'

r not to stay close to that werewolf pack. Males wanted to talk about politics or battles; females wanted to flirt; and some were dy

easure. I knew I was frowning, because according to Finley, that's what I do when I'm concentrating on something or irritable. And I was irritated. I thought about i

kick with my foot and pushing against the marble railing with both hands. I would

they are still far superior to humans and I, being an Alph

y pace and there was the scene: a figure curled up on the ground, trying to protect its head with its

cause the three attackers jumped, with wide eyes. While the two onl

eving omega a lesson.” He pointed to the creature on the ground,

r!” I retorted. “Is this how th

han the daughter of a useless werewolf”. The

up." My voice was menacing. I saw him sw

y. You can't threa

irk. “And I'm an Alpha, boy. Let's see what your uncle thi

to use a little Alpha aura for him to eventually relent. I used the mind-link to communicate with my Beta

lready looking for

ead down and her brown hair in a curtain. When she moved a little farther, the light from one of the streetlamps caught

voice made me turn my head away from

ing up an omega. Him and h

years old, a little shorter than me. He glanced at the figure beh

, what t

id, eyeing me sassily. “I was just te

is hand to his face and pinching the bridge o


hen I saw it. It was

and looked at her. She shook her head

omeone! How could

elongs to? Did you see her stealing?” I snapped, h

ed. I saw that he wasn't angry with his nephew, he

a. How would s

t money from?" I crou

e was trying to speak. Gabriel started to try to say somethi

tell me, I c

t it to me.” Her voice sounded sweet,

can't be hers!" Gabriel finally said a

estioned, using what li

ega, daughter of a worthless one! They lost

tarted to speak an

n't even know what came over

shed. I could see in his eyes that he wa

pe of intervention. If you don't


'm not the monster everyone thinks I am, but I am a warrior who doesn't forgive in battle

ke her and do as you please


nephew and glared at me. "Take t

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