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Twisted Fate: Fated to Two, But I Couldn't

Twisted Fate: Fated to Two, But I Couldn't


Chapter 1 I love you Jason

Word Count: 2080    |    Released on: 21/02/2024



* **

pain hurts me a lot. I have loved this man,cared for

his sake and he turned out to b

, you claimed to be my mate and betra

and here you are claiming to be my mate?" I ask growling and my voi

and it happened without me knowing who they were"he pleads, I turn my gaze away from

r get a chance to make such a mistake e

me picking up a knife and in the bli

d thud screaming and thrashing ar

ted me worse remember?" I take a long pause whole hearing his pants and

I have no shred of humanity left in me, you made me be

e to be rejected "he screams sti

her and if you ever get reincarnated you will die a

* **

to the

, I stare at my reflection in the little pond be

way from the packhouse my curious wolf had taken advantage of my sit

ng nothing on and risk

kfully I've been a careful one I always had

my nostrils are filled with the scent of nature, the trees, the wind an

body as goosebumps rise on my ski, i lo

orm deeper into the woods as I try straining my sense to pic

m with no one in sight, yet I'm st

hear footsteps approach me slowly

med. What if they are tourists or maybe

t what might happen next,I'm embarrassed to the core as I blame it all on my sl

voice say behind, causing me to le

laxing immediately, he turns his face away f

ver my chest covering the tiny bits of n

n, isn't this awkward for you?" H

ag off his arms I unzip it to fi

I pull the clothes over my he

picking up the bag from the gr

of saying thank you,then you a

er had sent you to do this?" I ask, tasting the bitterness of my wo

ou last night didn't I?, I told you getting drunk wou

rongly deny knowing it makes no difference but

ck and I didn't see you around I was

e been out without your

easing?"he asks making

I say wanting to p

house soon"he says walking away from th

e rush?"I ask walk

know why you always find a way to lure me out each time"he

iver does more luring out than I do"I t

Oliver and I are mere friend

to his lies and it's funny

ds but his face tells a

ove each other's cock Into your assholes?" I ask with a big grin

y that?"he asks, trying

our secret is totally safe with me Jason"I chirp in, finall

erence apart?" He denies even harder,I bite on my

r Oliver's tighs slamming hard against yo

away from me flushing red with embarrassment,I must have taken him by sur

?" He asks, his gaze

inst the wall, I tried being respectful but you guys were All over the place eventually

ny as well we both couldn't hold ourselves" Jason says, but I do not

ou decided not to but why should you anyways Oliver

gay"he sa

are admired by girls, you avoi

y first " he

yourself a virgin" I say, roll

t '' I mimic his w

would soon call me in for duty and you know how bad he hates being late

liver? Perhaps you still have unfinished business with him

ur dad I am in haste because your dad had ordered me to give

creeps I'll be sure to get rid of once I become alpha"I yell with a frown o

yourself now do you?"Jason asks

ant things to do" I say wanting t

r me to move forward, I fake a smile as

s he acting out just to surprise me l

want to blurt out any words senselessly. However, I can't help the

my birthday, he is always the first to

I was upset at first trying to overlook his change in attitude but it's hard seeing your crush becom

plain innocence but doesn't take me to be anything more than a friend I've ca

brates for a while, It goes on and he raises his eyes to m

to roll my eyes. He speaks like t

e to ditch for a while it's Oliv

he A list? Have I not been your friend sin

"he says in defense raising both

o hold it in, Can't you tell

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1 Chapter 1 I love you Jason2 Chapter 2 Fuck!!3 Chapter 3 I'll make it happen 4 Chapter 4 Kill me5 Chapter 5 He calls out6 Chapter 6 Mixed feelings7 Chapter 7 Why 8 Chapter 8 Slowly 9 Chapter 9 Gaze10 Chapter 10 The council11 Chapter 11 Suspicion12 Chapter 12 Must be killed13 Chapter 13 Won't beg him14 Chapter 14 Right about him15 Chapter 15 Intense16 Chapter 16 A black box17 Chapter 17 Fire18 Chapter 18 A knock19 Chapter 19 Her father20 Chapter 20 Never Left21 Chapter 21 Surfacing wolf22 Chapter 22 Stiff23 Chapter 23 Identification24 Chapter 24 Discard25 Chapter 25 Death26 Chapter 26 War27 Chapter 27 Fierce Claws28 Chapter 28 Dare29 Chapter 29 Happy30 Chapter 30 Top priority31 Chapter 31 What the Fuck !32 Chapter 32 Mad33 Chapter 33 Freeze34 Chapter 34 Sold himself35 Chapter 35 The villain36 Chapter 36 Crazy psychopath!37 Chapter 37 A voice38 Chapter 38 Heartbeat39 Chapter 39 The pub40 Chapter 40 Council members41 Chapter 41 The room42 Chapter 42 Scared43 Chapter 43 Default mode44 Chapter 44 Freaky45 Chapter 45 Guards46 Chapter 46 Mistakes 47 Chapter 47 Flight48 Chapter 48 Masks49 Chapter 49 Pain50 Chapter 50 Embrace51 Chapter 51 Meets52 Chapter 52 Blood53 Chapter 53 It was a mistake54 Chapter 54 I just need to stop55 Chapter 55 My temples56 Chapter 56 Mention57 Chapter 57 Let go of me58 Chapter 58 10 out of 1059 Chapter 59 Rate me60 Chapter 60 I want him61 Chapter 61 Grabs me62 Chapter 62 Hey babe63 Chapter 63 Who doesn't give a fuck64 Chapter 64 Make a choice now65 Chapter 65 Dead66 Chapter 66 Nonchalant67 Chapter 67 She moans 68 Chapter 68 For a split of a second 69 Chapter 69 Push Open70 Chapter 70 Ignite71 Chapter 71 Disengaged72 Chapter 72 Minutes73 Chapter 73 Blank74 Chapter 74 Withdraw75 Chapter 75 Not stopping me 76 Chapter 76 Warriors77 Chapter 77 You know her 78 Chapter 78 Physical