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Serving the Alpha.

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 2249    |    Released on: 19/02/2024

ire lives anticipating this moment and that they would be on pins and needles because they were hoping that he would call them. This was something that he did each and every time someone who was in n

isregard the entire process after that. Nevertheless, I wished that if I were ever selected, it would be by someone who was similar to him. As soon as I laid eyes on him, I was able to recognize the compassion that was present in his eyes. A

ndowsill and made my way across to him in a gentle manner. As he reached up and scratched me under the chin, he told me that I had always been a wonderful girl and that he was going to miss me a great deal. I was taken abac

e?" With astonishmen

leaning in closer to me and nodding his head. He did not

pite this, I needed clarification about what that meant. I turned around to give the other woman a hug and some words of encouragement because I was aware of the challenges that were waiting for her in the future. She was the la

nd then he pulled me inside. He did this until he saw me. One of Ozzy's favorite ways to demonstrate his superiority w

the man, I couldn't help but sneak around him and peep around him. It was because he had a good appearance. In particular, I liked the

s hidden behind him. In a short amount of time, I saw that she was walking around Ozzy and gazing at me. As I smiled at her, I hoped that I had been su

der if it was a worried habit. In a shy manner, she smiled at me before diving back behind Ozzy. He continued to talk in an impolite manner. After a few moments, she leaned down, pointe

assistance. I had come to the conclusion that I would have to stop him. The hint was ultimately taken by him. After turnin

d in the air with a slight curl at the end of it, she appeared to be quite diminutive. I was aware that cat

n as I made the request, she quickly complied with it, but rather than sitti

is Fabie

er adorable, rosy-colored lip

ack. "You don't lik

led, "It makes me feel like a piece of inventory, which I guess I am if I think about it."

ou?" I inqui

en grabbed my hand and cradled it in herself. She grinned while she kept her eyes closed. In a mat

rubbed her face on me while purring as I softly massaged her behind her ear. I was thrill

to select a suitable name for you-one that sounds appealing to you. In that case, you would n

ch were a brilliant emerald green, and I saw the hope that was developing in them. She ques

ave the potential to be content with each other. I reached out and stroked her cheek with my hand. She purred

e you." "I would like to belon

I do live with six other young men, so I hope that you will be okay with living w

she posed the following question: "B

ere is a possibility that they will pet and play with you, but you will be exclusive

d tag that she was required to wear at all times was given to me, and she was instructed to put it on eith

ngs. She was perplexed as she stared at me. "You don't have anything?" I asked her, completely perplexed. She mo

we can go on a proper shopping trip." We will have to do this. Let's get go

her tail tucked between her knees and her ears lowered to the ground. I was also able to sense the fear that

r that I would not rush her. First, she stepped out of the door onto the rough concr

es wriggled in the soft grass. She moved her foot from one foot to the other in a back-and-forth motion. After waiting for a few moments, she got down on her knees and ran her hands throu

ed so appetizing," she said as she glanced around in awe. She laughed and r

u are able to do so in the near future. Is it true that you have never experienced

room, which were attached to the room I was in, I'd never left the room with the windo

me for a close embrace. On the other hand, she grabbed my shirt with both hands and wrap

w you. It is going to be a good time for both of us! I shared the news with her. With

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