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The Tin Soldier

Chapter 3 DRUSILLA

Word Count: 2352    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

as a tea-cup. There were other things on his mind-things so h

any of it until this morning, but when Bronson, the old man who served him and had served his father for years, came in with his breakfast,

sir, in the blue room,

Dad ever asks for it, send him to me. He

d the sun sparkled on the snow. As he passed through Dupont Circle he found that a few

ou going, Co

n to

y's birf-day. I am goin

d better say it quick

are you going

I give her

forget it. I wanted to telep

a dol

id I spent too much for my rab-yit. That I ought to save it for Our Men. And you mustn't


had puffed ri

b. "You are getting mud on Mr. Derry's spat

he? And I should not have on sp

new that Nurse did not approve of him. He had

s where were housed the men from across the sea who were working shoulder to shoulder with America for the winning of the war-.

weaters and socks, sewing up the long seams of shirts and pajamas. A few years ago they had worshipped

pped by the monotony of Government service, were revived by the winds of patriotism which swept from the four corners of the earth.

ave been loose. Little men with the rank of officer sat in swivel chairs and tried to direct big things; big men, without rank, were tied

sh and movement and achievement, Derry was

ily alone in the

at once re

the other night-and you wo

ittle. "Oh, wit

s a dear

gy he could make, and

and set it on the count

e did not wan

t it on purpose.



ill break

-you know- There are dishes enough in

s slim young man of fashion with the shabby boy of the oth

to find a toy for a very little girl.

t," Miss Emily told him,

ten before, but I ha

ovely Dreams-"They have

ved impressionistically in a series of circles. She was altogether ce

y asked, "a ros

relight? And a child sees her pink and puff

en ducks and the

wim under the willows. And they are longer and broader because of th

aid, staring, "

em to the children-you ought to se


tells the

having them put in a little p

ghter, isn't she? I saw h

ld. She is usually he

ar room, locked up with the dolls in a drawer, tucked away i

gods being in a ga

crinkled copper-colored hair came out from under the hat and over her ears. She carried a little

d Maude Adams. He adored-Maude Adams. Did she remember "Peter Pan"? Yes, he had gone to everything-glorified matinées-glor

nger. "I shall come back for more-Lovely

t each other. Then Emily said, "Jean, da


uch a f

ean-the ot

isn't hap

o you



, and it must

committee, went to Drusilla Gray's in the afternoon for a cup of tea. He was called almost at once to

him with the knowledge of what was ahead, said stead

on, but he saw me, and sent me back, and I didn't

s soon as I can and c

apartment winch overlooked Rock Creek. Marion Gray occupied herself with the writing of books. Dr

rry Drake. "He won't play the game," she told her

ecause he hasn'

met at Palm Beach; who wore a white satin shirt with a high collar of gold embroidery, and white kid boots, and wonderful rings-and his nails long like a Chinaman's. At first we laughed at him-called him effeminate-. But af

"You've got it

uldn't be of any use. He's a Galahad-a pocket-edition Galahad. If he ev

come. He liked her immensely. And the

r tray. There was much dark blue and vivid red in the room, with white woodwork.

ther I could do it. And Aunt Marion doesn't care. The red things can all be taken out, and the

eed. "You'd better hang out

e. The best I can do is ask t

had broken in, and Derry, coming back fro

ngs. With her voice never soaring above a repressed note, she managed to give the effect of culminat

all do that," she said, with a glowing

give the Mars

in it of marchin

the 'Star Spa

s. I hate to make it comm

that low note, but there was the crash of battle in the

, you are

can feel things-and I

indow. "There's a new moon

they looked out beyond the hills to a sky in which the daylight bl

d, softly. "Derry, wh

He had seen it often in her eyes,

t there's a reason-a good one.

n his voice c

to stay on the shelf like the tin soldier in the fairy tale

t have aske

ad a right to ask-everybody h

a little girl," she said, softly, "I used to

rry for me,

fly s

red candles burning. Then Derry said, heartily, "You

far as he woul

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