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Fight For The Truth

Chapter 3 Don't kill anyone!

Word Count: 1819    |    Released on: 16/02/2024

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t doesn't have a lock, and opaque glass. I bet you can see everything from the out

ord. I'm shaking; I feel very cold, and it soaks me to the bone. I'm scared.

he grass, in another you can see my bag on a sun lounger, thrown at random, and in others, you can see the contents of it and the poo

ened. I would like to cry, Ethan is dead. And what frustrates me the most

y. I close my eyes, and what I see inside is a series of

They took me ou

of the men who was going to pick

what happened last night. Av

so as not to make a mistake

p the photos when h

hadn't seen each other for several days. I didn't find it when I arrived. And I stayed with Ailen. I don't know what time, but o

ve asks me when he notices th

ok my head to stop

eard him say that you were stupid and that you were of no use to him

asked me with a gesture

ppening, and Ailen, being her sister, advised me to go find out wha

iss Ganash

her, so I suggest you follow

rves my body language, but I don't think I'm saying anything with my body ot

ort. Try to remember what happen

eathe deeply to try to

ghs last la


eyes are

. I'm so drunk, I'm

ight. It fee

Because I love

am I, but I admit that I love yo

I love you, but I c


r this in a situ

calm myself by thinking about flowers and ponies. But the beautiful gray eyes and that series of p

ow if it's

sterday is very important,” Detective Cla

sexual relations with someone at the party. I was with one of the guests at that party for almost

me say this. After taking my order, he as

also says she does not clearly remember what happened. We will take her to a hospital to undergo the require

ogical tests?" I asked

Mrs. Diana was terrible. She couldn't stop crying; Mr. Damon just looked ahead stoic


way from me... Murderer!"

on't unders

t Ethan said was true, you would kill h

member what hap

!" I am going to take charge of doing

listen to me." I

ever they do now will be to give justice

in the voice of a

ack hair cut like a mane. Your eyes are swollen

, you kill

and what's happening


o longer hold back my tears, and

KILL HIM! YOU DID IT, DAMN KILLER!" The girl tries to

on't remember what happened, b

zer, and I warned you... but you had no right to take his life!" Ailen says, crying,

do it!"

to catch up with me and

One is tall, blonde, muscular, and blue-eyed. The other guy is a little shorter, also muscular, and has messy copper hair. He

e garden, and in front of me is a boy with gray eyes and

upid when it comes to washing them, but a sip of whiske

r with the burning of the liquid running down my throat. The alcohol cal

u. My nam

eserve it. My

the guy from

calls me

approached me

to give me space and the guy

feel like I shudder, and he feels

re are they taking you

Ethan... I wasn't..." I murmur, try

d holds my hand tightly. "Be calm. I'll go

hospital. She helps me into the car through the back doo

saw Eduard running into his car and dri

lark asks me, looking in the m

the boy I spent the night

tive stop

ow who tha

me is E

-after bachelor of the moment and th


y. It's crucial. Although they will have to verify the time that you we

the time that I

t have to do

t with that man, you a

idn't kill h


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1 Chapter 1 Party2 Chapter 2 You must come with us3 Chapter 3 Don't kill anyone!4 Chapter 4 I want to protect her5 Chapter 5 What's happening 6 Chapter 6 Hidden truths7 Chapter 7 Evidence8 Chapter 8 This is not happening9 Chapter 9 She is innocent10 Chapter 10 What the hell 11 Chapter 11 I'm guilty 12 Chapter 12 I don't have a good feeling13 Chapter 13 We need to talk14 Chapter 14 If you want answers... call me15 Chapter 15 I'll take you out, baby16 Chapter 16 The time has come17 Chapter 17 Let justice be done18 Chapter 18 She's innocent19 Chapter 19 Do you have a suspect 20 Chapter 20 Stop playing the hero21 Chapter 21 I'm a killer22 Chapter 22 That bastard is going to pay me23 Chapter 23 Every second counts24 Chapter 24 You shouldn't worry about me25 Chapter 25 Thank you for trusting me 26 Chapter 26 Two heads are better than one27 Chapter 27 She is taking everything from me28 Chapter 28 I don't want any cent29 Chapter 29 I think he is in love30 Chapter 30 Now you're going to hear me31 Chapter 31 Low blow32 Chapter 32 She crossed the line33 Chapter 33 You are wrong34 Chapter 34 It's none of your business35 Chapter 35 You are wasting your time36 Chapter 36 The case has been reopened37 Chapter 37 His cynism has no limits38 Chapter 38 Eduard was right39 Chapter 39 No deal40 Chapter 40 Forgive me41 Chapter 41 Why have you turned to me 42 Chapter 42 Eduard fall in love with me 43 Chapter 43 I think it was Liliana who killed Ethan44 Chapter 44 Original autopsy report45 Chapter 45 Just answer the question!