Starstruck ( Not the like the song)
e Kehlani's face,which made my dick harder and grow bigger. I cant help
off our student loans. School is suprisingly amazing since we both getting top grades in
ust a
iously? Go w
e about to
forcing things.
locking the
g on our sofa. I will just go to my room like
the lounge and yes Jeremiah was gone.Belin
y. You look
i: ofc
Josh?(he was literary star
. You loo
super fragile so be ge
up. you are
that or keep i
) i think we
thing to Josh
e. Like cute. We arrived early at the movie house. He bought almost every
ou need an
: weed
d up down there i
well you said we.
he date was pretty good. I kept looking at Josh's lips when ever he too
like kissing
are watchi
you werent pa
een waiting so long to do that. I felt h
to turn around
ass and started squeezing it. I liked how rough he suddenly got but he stopped. Ugh even in
y ,are you
gers on my thighs which i had no idea i had feelings there. I let
at and i think i
lucky i was wearing a skirt. He sta
is th
into my skirt. He rubbed his fingers against my pussy but he was blocked by my underwear. He moved it aside and started rubbing more and
d warm pussy all to myself. She feels so good and i haven't been in her yet. Fina
y are we at
nt to you right n
ve no idea. You
es plea
soft. She licked the tip and slowly put it in her mouth. She sucked my dick as if her life depended on it. I was so close to cumming in her mouth but i had to hear her sweet moaning again first. I wanted
t be real
hungry and your tummy
i m hungry..
ake you mine and i w
feed her i m going to lift her heavy
here do you
I want a
ou read
id cudi keep playing in my head when i see her. The way she greets people..the way she ma
iry. Fuck i m f
is sooooo goo
come here for
orry you have t
ve a woman
ing) I love a m
o worry anymore. So m