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Shadow Prime

Shadow Prime

Author: True Stone

Chapter 1 The End Of An Era And The Beginning Of A New.

Word Count: 1995    |    Released on: 12/02/2024

d stars were annihilated in this Apocalypse. Be it mortals or ghosts, immortals and demons, gods and devils non w

n lush greenery brimming with vitality as all the creatures roamed the land, swam in the seas

pecies with most not being whole and only having parts and pieces and rivers of blood flowed while chaotic streams and astral winds blew from massive spatial cracks that with t

void at the center separated from all the chaos

n his face sat on the throne at the head and the second slightly lower to his side with a sword in his arms its hilt resting on his shoulder his head lowered slightly with his

violent aura of destruction, as if his very presence would destroy existence itself while the other wore blac

iter than snow as if made of the purest white light radiating a Holy and pure

y watch all this." The vibrant woman stepped forward and complained in

nd I'm going to repeat the same thing I've always said again. Ther

ren have already died to this senseless

from too many deaths? It's part of my job not to care how many die, as long as people die m

this is a little too much even for you

"Can you calm down an

w can you even say that how can you expect me to calm dow

life for heaven sake, and even though you consider all creation your children you watch them kill each other every day, so

when they're competing then fine, but I don't want outsiders doing that

you keep bugging me with this annoying conversation. Why don't you go bother the

ng a headache from t

rectly made his move but only ended up causing even more destruction than necessary while still failing to accomplish anything, It's reall

lright, just please stop yelling. jeez, You women are so unreasonable when you wan

uly grand sight a true Battle between immortals as Divine abilities and colorful explosions crisscrossed covering the void firmament. However if one was to look closely they would notice that it was a complete one sided

stood in the void, fully dressed in white he gave off a sacred

this battle knew he was no spectato

space in front of him rippled slightly and a lifel

ed with a gentle smile as hi

ot turning his indiffer

d of Death." Mors said unhurried

at pray tell do you want?" H

ours has really upset someone with the incessant killing, So

really make a difference to me. Then again aren't you the Overgod of Death, what does it matter to you

s I move, and even though I have no problem with your work since she does and doesn't wel

Foolish, truly foolish." his gaze suddenl

p and tell me what to do? You expect me to leave just b

my presence. Yet not only do you speak to me without kneeling, you even dare mak

a rather flexible Deity and most of the time I let a lot of things slide, but one thing I cannot and

r assault on my world doesn't mean I'll ac

nniest joke "Disrespect? Do you know who I am, do you know who you

kneel in my presence, and you dare tal

ill also fall to your knees at my feet answering to my every beck a

bject disappointment "Sigh, You r

sent an imperceptible energy wave that destroy

hook his head sighing pitifully t

y best. It truly

They knew how seriously Mors took his respect, he was the most easy going among them and tolerated almost ev

. "Now what?" and just like they thought, even though

walked. "Now well tha

, put an end to it will you and make it disappear

n that had been seated time resting al

sword to his shoulder and walked past the Overgods wit

s as he retook his seat

want me to d

nd him?" Her voice quivered, a hi

ne that lacks and refuses to learn respect is scum and s

hat she said, even though she was the reason he even bothered to move from his c

voice rang at this time.

man stepped out of the palace

ld, my heav

pread covering the whole world and the battlefiel

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