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Bound By A Ritual

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1422    |    Released on: 10/02/2024

e exhaustion creep over her. "I'm leaving, master," she whispered weak

ly forgetting that he hated having to repeat himself. When he turned aroun

er?" sh

ving to the necklace she wore around her neck. "And you've been a good girl." Looking up at him, she felt an odd mix of emotions. The fact that he referred to he

anting to spank her felt alarming. But there was still one question lingering in her mind, so she asked, "With a belt?" Thi

urt, it will." He smiled, but it sent a chill down my spine. "Not the kind of spanking that gets you aroused, Ava." I could feel my face turning red in embarr

nd unable to look away from him. It felt like s

Get used to seeing dead bodies because it will soon become a regular part of yo

im to train and control? Does he plan on spanking me? Before that happens, I ne

ed his head towards me, his brows furrowed. It was then t

he cleaning materials, and rushed to the equipment room to drop them off. Then I

at me with concern. "We saw you rushing upstairs to finish your work, but now we're thinkin

smiled, zipping up my dress. But their confused and sh


bags and leave the mansion, my attention

er doesn't forgive anyone," Rose mutte


, iron belts, to flog anyone who disobeys him. He even uses hot-pressing irons, an

. Did that ha

id anything to wa

this, why haven't you rep

he is a general in his army, an army that the government does

st of us. We have nowhere else to go wher


tomorrow, and this time, come in early

on as usual. I had a feeling that Alex might be there, and he also freaked

red at the diamond. It would be worth millions if I sold it, but what if

kind of person who is quiet, evil, intelligent, and sick in the head. He's a smoking hot man, but

ce, causing me to stop and stare at the man who won't le

And how did you find me?" I start walking away, but I can hear his footsteps behind me. "Al

car parked nearby. "Just get in, let's talk." I don't budge an inch,

but the streetlight still illuminates the area. Who would have thou

me a glimpse of his white teeth, and I notice his fangs. "I w

closer to me, his hand already caressing my face. "What are yo

uries," he says, his red eyes filled with so

that has changed now. I've improved. I can protect you now and keep

cent men in my life

ink, and I start running. I won't stop until I reach home and shut the

u okay,

st need a quick bath

er is being se

gainst it and closing my eyes as I breath

Surprisingly, my voice doesn't come out as he covers my mouth wi

r, my love." What he says mak

an is

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