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His Temptress

Chapter 9 An Impossible Choice

Word Count: 1778    |    Released on: 19/02/2024

tly on the polished wooden desk. His phone rang, and he snatched it

checked every lead. Abeni's father seems to have vanished

d. "Fine. Keep looking. I w

r disappearing was both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, he owed Dmitr

he air, and the sound of the mixers and ovens hummed in the background. She was thinking about her payday, which was today, he

i and the others followed him, curious about what he had in store. Once they w

ve her eyes. It was more money than she had ever seen in her life. Tears of joy streamed down her face

ut as the Uber was driving she couldn't help but have a bad feeling in her stomach as they got closer to her apartment building. When they finally

d inside her apartment, she saw men in black suits, their faces impassive. On her couch, she saw a familiar figure: Her breath caught in her throat as she realized it was the same man she had met i

e? But what if they were already here, doing their job? The crowd around he

d her, effectively sealing them all inside. Abeni felt a shiver of fear run down her spine, but she forced herself to remain calm and composed. She took a de

ght. His muscular frame was clothed in an expertly tailored suit that hugged his body in all the right places, making it impossible for her to look away. His jet-black hair was neatly

a step closer, his presence overwhelming her senses. He reached out and gently caressed her cheek, the touch sending a shiver of de

gasped, feeling a surge of pleasure course through her veins. He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her ear

. She couldn't deny the desire that was building within her, the need to feel his touch,

able, yet there was something in his eyes that made her feel as if he were seeing right through her. "Your father owes me a great deal of money," he con

ad no idea her father owed anyone that much money. But as she looked into Dmitry's steely eyes, s

wrong person." Dmitry smiled, and it was not a pleasant sight. "Oh, Abeni," he said, shaking his head, "you are so innocent." He took another step

whispered, "But i'll give you a choice." He cupped her face in his hands, forcing her to look into his eyes. "You can either find the money to pay off your father's debt, in

coursing through her veins, makin

e. And even if she could, he doubted she'd want to spend her life running away from him and his men. But there was no way in hell she would become his plaything,

siness dealings? How could he have gotten himself into debt with someone like Dmitry Kuznetsov? The though

ady despite the fear churning in her gut. "I'll find the money." She would find a way, somehow. She'd sell everything

ravity of the situation." He took another step closer, his body heat enveloping her like a vice. "You have one week to come up with the money. And if you fail, I will take what is mine

ce. Abeni forced herself to meet his gaze, her heart racing as she tried to find the strength to resist him.

her veins. "I won't let you down." She nodded, squaring her shoulders, determination

you've gotten yourself into. But we'll see." He took a step back, giving her some space. "I'll be watching you, dear. And mak

one week? She only got paid today! She had no savings, no assets, nothing to sell. The thought of spending the next week scrambling to find t

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1 Chapter 1 A Fateful Encounter2 Chapter 2 The Confrontation3 Chapter 3 Obsession4 Chapter 4 Dark Deals5 Chapter 5 Shattered Triumphs6 Chapter 6 A Line Crossed7 Chapter 7 The Price of Power8 Chapter 8 Price for Disrespect9 Chapter 9 An Impossible Choice10 Chapter 10 The Fateful Call11 Chapter 11 Glimmers of Hope12 Chapter 12 Tangled Realities13 Chapter 13 Burdens and Blessings14 Chapter 14 The Lion's Den15 Chapter 15 Caught in the Shadows16 Chapter 16 An Unexpected Ally17 Chapter 17 A Taste of Defiance18 Chapter 18 Bloody Retribution19 Chapter 19 Entangled Desires20 Chapter 20 An Unexpected Proposition21 Chapter 21 Retail Therapy22 Chapter 22 Whispers of Luxury23 Chapter 23 Changing perspectives24 Chapter 24 Desires Unveiled25 Chapter 25 Aching for More26 Chapter 26 A Web of Misunderstandings27 Chapter 27 Seductive Negotiations28 Chapter 28 Treading Carefully29 Chapter 29 Playing Cupid30 Chapter 30 Heartfelt Confessions31 Chapter 31 Journey to Trust32 Chapter 32 Insecurity33 Chapter 33 Craving Dmitry34 Chapter 34 3 Letters35 Chapter 35 Reunion and Matchmaking36 Chapter 36 The Unexpected Reunion37 Chapter 37 Homecoming Joy38 Chapter 38 Passionate Reconnection39 Chapter 39 Embrace of Love40 Chapter 40 Meeting the Family41 Chapter 41 A Second Chance 42 Chapter 42 Urgent Call43 Chapter 43 Words of Encouragement44 Chapter 44 Mischievous Abeni45 Chapter 45 A Cold Warning46 Chapter 46 Suspicious Intentions47 Chapter 47 Questioning Trust48 Chapter 48 Into the Lion's Den49 Chapter 49 Chaos Unleashed50 Chapter 50 Haunting Silence51 Chapter 51 In the Enemy's Grasp52 Chapter 52 In the Clutches of Evil53 Chapter 53 Desperate Call54 Chapter 54 Dark Revelations55 Chapter 55 A Father's Cruel Intentions56 Chapter 56 Facing the Enemy57 Chapter 57 The Final Standoff58 Chapter 58 The Mysterious Rescuer59 Chapter 59 Navigating the Social Scene60 Chapter 60 Unleashing Desire61 Chapter 61 Inferno62 Chapter 62 A Glimpse into Parenthood63 Chapter 63 Patience Tested64 Chapter 64 Alone at Last65 Chapter 65 A Taste of Spain66 Chapter 66 A Night of Unforgettable Surprises67 Chapter 67 The Perfect Evening68 Chapter 68 Whispers of Love69 Chapter 69 A Special Gift70 Chapter 70 Dancing Under the Stars71 Chapter 71 A Night to Remember72 Chapter 72 A Day Apart73 Chapter 73 Wedding Fever74 Chapter 74 Secrets and Lies75 Chapter 75 Possessive Protection76 Chapter 76 Laughter and Love77 Chapter 77 Gifts of Love78 Chapter 78 Epilogue: Cherished Memories