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Unpredictable Betrayal : A Sweet of Revenge

Chapter 3 UB 3

Word Count: 1934    |    Released on: 05/02/2024

ture, polite behavior, and the caring and attentive qualities of Alex made Aurora feel deeply content. She event

r, Aurora's half-brother, seemed skeptical from the beginning and even doubted th

as famous for being a playboy and frequently changing partners. I'm wor

was this concern that made her brother reluctant to let h

e that. Maybe, he had bad habits in the past.

facade. I swear, I'm not sure he can be a good husband for you, Aurora. Especially infidelity and changing partners are

by what her brother was worried about. Perhaps she was too infatuate

His behavior often left her amazed. Not to mention the surprises a

ally convinced that Alex is t

ow much he tried to provoke her, Aurora

I hear that Alex is misbehaving or doing something be

a believed to be loyal turned out to be unfaithful and e

ing in the office, Aurora chose to leave immediately. Not to go straigh


was immediately greeted. Turning, she found a tall a

, are y

could help her with the current issue she was facing. Even though Aurora could ask for Asher's help, she refrained fro

y today. Let's chat

the second floor. Frankly, Aurora felt impatient. She wanted t


m her facial expression and the words she just uttered, it immediately invited a reaction from Rayyen. Until now, almost the

m as a compatible couple. And now, Aurora suddenly re

Alex is c

ed calm in conveying this bad news, as if the

like they've been having this illicit rel


icole. Aunt Ce

shock, he was confronted with the news that Alex's a

le for Nicole to

o idea about the origin of how her husba

alone. The first time was at the mall, and the second one just now, this morn

far as I know, Nicole works in Alex's of

ra n

ackbone of her family and needed a job to support her mom

, he believed that his cousin seemed deeply hurt by the betrayal that

could she do? This had

I mean, what kind of he

ath as she thought and convinced herself

e cases. So, I deliberately came here to consult. W

currently haunting Aurora. Anyone would be in a di

ke this in marriages. Long before, there were various ca

r, I want to ask first. D

deny that she loved and cared deeply for her husband. She had ev

h sincerity. Even when I found out he had betrayed me, the love has not completely disap

t position. Instead of provoking or judging, Rayyen

ivorce. Some relationships can still be salvaged, while others inevitably need to be resolved quick

t up from his seat. He fetched a cup of te

k you

re we

m tea that Rayyen offered. She took a sip

ibit any suspicious behavior?" Rayyen asked, resumin

or action from Alex that raised her suspicions. That's why Aurora initially couldn't

e, and often surprises me. Every day, amidst his work, he always takes the time to call or send a short messag

ways fulfilled his respon

odded in

ve," Rayyen said cautiously. "How about the


we still maintain a regular intimate relationship. And that's what baffles me. W

here's something Alex is looking for that is not in yo

to keep her emotions stable even t

what? Honestly, I'm not willing to let my hard-built marriage be ruined by an

ora's expression, which had gone from sa

e the marriage, you can give the

hand, I do want to give Alex a chance. But on the other hand, I'm b

dded with

y repent and never repeat the wrongdoing. It all depends on the individual. And we can't predict which category Alex falls

to have a weekend date tomorrow as


ra n

me a dream jewel

o laugh at Aurora's fate, but finding i

time, he walked to his desk. He opened a drawer and took something fro

need this," Rayye

nfused and curious about why Rayyen ga

is t




o your phone. You said Alex and Nicole ar

e invited Alex to stay overnight at a h

small device to ca

t? H

hatever he was thinking, h

the right way to

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