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Fated the the promise

Fated the the promise


Chapter 1 My Arrival

Word Count: 1811    |    Released on: 03/02/2024



head over and over again. I knew that they were out there and that

alk, always run in a non-straight line, this will confuse anything that might be chasing you. I gave one l

of d

– I was supposed to be in my safe heaven. "Took you long enough" I heard a rough voice say next to me, making me jump up into a defensive stance. I looked back at the most handsome wolf I have ever s

s the muscles that were threatening to tear through his two sizes too small shirt. He just chuckled as he took another sip of his whiskey, crossing his legs and

dnight pack. You were found and saved by my mother, Maggie, in the forest. You were running from whoever assassinated your entire pack. She brought you here f

eeing as I was basically now classified as a rogue, I was at Rowan's mercy. "Something for the shock?" Rowan asked me as he passed me a glass of whiskey. I idnt really feel like trusting

just snorked. "My whole pack git assassinated and you are seriously asking me why I am running? For goddess sakes, I would have throught that it would have been quite obvious!" I said


. "Oh, I see you are awake. How are you feeling, dear?" she asked me. I just slowly nodded my head. "I guess I feel okay, I feel a little bit groggy but I am sure that it would pass" I said. She smiled and nodded her head before

n once, my mother radiated confidence like her. "I would really like to know. The Alpha was here earlier" I said, trying to choose my words wisely. Goddess

t would have been at his request? "Anyway, I am Maggie. Your mother and I were close friends. We would host each other for tea each month or so. When I came across you in the woods, I immediately recognized you and I could s

nite our two packs. Your mother fully supported it. I knew she valued how Rowen treated you when you were still a pup" Maggie said, tryi

t trust her words, she had to have a motive for taking me in just like this. I just smiled and nodded my head. "I guess I have a lot of things to think over" I said with a smile just as there was a knoc

give this to him, his gardens were like something I have never seen. I walked passed a gazebo and I heard Maggie call out to me. Ever since I came here, she has been the most supportive and I have come to start to trust her.

e saw Rowan walking past of with some girl hanging on his arm. She just gave me a snide look for some reason. I looked back at Maggie with a confused look on my face. Maggie just sighed

line blood Alpha. You might not know this, but in our pack, the only way our Alphas are able to produce children, is that they have to mate with another Alpha. And s

on why I want you to stay here as long as possible, hopefully, Rowan would come to his senses and realize that you are th

to continue. And besides, you don't have to marry him or something. I heard that co-parenting is a thing nowadays" Maggie said. I knew she said she didn't want to ask me, but I

he was relieved the moment those words came out of my mouth. "Believe me, time won't be a problem. Rowan already told me you were driving him

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