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REJECTED: The Alpha Behind The Mask

Chapter 4 Second meeting

Word Count: 1024    |    Released on: 31/01/2024


is wolf whis

took in a deep breath

thing for you?'' Vicky asked in a tense

oxicated by her eyes, that he

'' Vicky call

vodka.'' he

who was behind the mas

and how did she start working here without his notice, he grumbled

he came with the bottl

lightly touched,and Eric couldn't stop him

erious stranger who was hidden behind a mask. As the rules of the club, all members of the club are

autiful sets of green alluring eyes, which she finds fascinating.

and she couldn't stop staring at him until a

ustration and went o

e you.'' one of the servers took the d

self because his wolf has been tormenting him, an

of his drink and thought of

ming here, since she now works her

ught when he noticed


realized it was alpha K

know it was m

uckled softly bef

gnized yo

ffed and i

d your mate yet?''a

business,'' he

to find hi

in anger, bringing the atte

is hands as surrender a

ip of his drink to ca

ng a fight with your Wolf.

business.'' Alph

Eric wasn't in a good mood a

ently until a submissive walked in

into the bar. He sat on the couch and watched different masked DOMs and subs displayed

g at her in a lecherous manner, and

move his gaze and thought away

ger and took anoth

ize today was her first time here. Furthermore, he took a sip of his drink and notice

womanizer and cheat. Even as a DOM, he

k to the VIP lounge, but his wolf was

t help but look at her and

appily, and felt his wolf wh

d took another

he could get a submissive, so he co

aring at him, and signaled her to come over to h

'' he demanded while

ster,'' she

her ear while caressing her cheek, wh

to please you? s

he asked in a

'' she responde

r feet.''

feet and stood before him

dominant way, while she shivered u

,wait for m

after her when suddenly his wolf became restless. He tried to s

red around to see if anything was unusual, but everything was okay. He w

re, and Victoria was

wolf whispere

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