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Power (Book 1)

Chapter 5 005

Word Count: 827    |    Released on: 30/01/2024

s dark and began to shake. Suddenly it grew to the size of a medium sized moving box

ded I opened it up and found framed degrees and cert

understood. You didn't wish for anything unnatural or impossible, nor did y

er you wish will be created inside and it will grow to the size needed. Reality will correspond. For example, wish for a debit card connected to a bank account with ten million dollars and

anything living. You can't put something in it and make it disappear. Remember that whatever you wish for will

I asked, amazed

ek until the

ee what came next. "Thank y

rprise. "My child

much as a blessing? Of course.

the box, sniffing. I reached over and stroked him behind the ears. "I don't

ked them on the floor. With a small shake

!" I commanded as th

needed more toys. "I wish for another flying chicken tug toy like

toys and with a smile tossed them to my overjoyed pet. He grabbed the chicke

from my first "gif

or all the paperwork and a debit card as well as checkbook from a bank accou

to find the two cards, and two stacks of papers, one of them tax forms. I took those out an

nd put the banking info in. Then I put t he cards in my wallet and let i

iego got excited and joined me, grinning

nd expensive new tag for him with his name and my phone number. I slipped it on and indeed, Diego

, let's go f

o stops. The first was to the vet for all his shots and I paid with my new credit card. Everyone loved Diego for being such

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