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Blind Alpha's Deception.

Chapter 3 3. Willow: Black Card

Word Count: 2047    |    Released on: 29/01/2024

errible nightmare, but it wasn't. It was all too real - the monsters th

, hadn't drunk fresh blood, nor eaten fresh meat. He'd seen

o? It was a questio

, unable to look at him in the same way. I was plagued by terrifying thoughts. What if everyone

f the bar stool knocking over a glass of wine. It shatte

George" I panicked trying to

e napkin away from me and our hands touched. I p

en in place. His warm, welcoming face I'd seen so many times

ay, Willow?

t so obvious that I was scared of him. I needed to co

g a lot of that z

logize. Mum'

you keep worrying so much, you'll not get the

m doing my

"It's all going to be over soon. Those

lly," I

re with George. He ripped the flesh of a deer and drank its blood, he chewed it and swallowed it, that kind of man coul

re you still st

tion. If he hadn't hurt me for more than a year that I

re remembering yesterday. He moved to my locker and then stoppe

be wrong? Di

mumbled. "This job require

" I wh

st worker here and you work very hard to make a living. Also, you have a sick mother and bills to pay." He stop

about the job to you." George open

bladder. Luca?? The same Luca?? No! He saw me yesterday, he fucking saw me. Why

ld George back as he was le

eorge whispered and left. Was it just me or di

as I walked towards him. He was standing behind the small counter of the

ing, sir,"

," he c

I thought he had saved me yesterday, but now he was back. I

he was way different than what I had seen yesterday, but I still knew it was him, his eyes sold him out - an eye the color of a stormy sky, with flecks of silver and flecks of charc

He fucking knew I was the one. He called me a mouse yesterd

that had been running through my mind since yeste

hen I mentioned his name, his gaze fixed d

pee, there was no way he woul

you call me here, Mr Luca?" I wanted to pretend

hing to me…" he played with his drink b

met you, Mr Luca. I have no idea what you're talking about." I

an the fangs I saw yesterday. He spoke in a confident voic

his nails tapped the counter

ng..saw no o

as scared of George now, but I was more scared of what these mon

sn't scare

watch but I didn't want him to catch me staring. "You tiny liar."

ret is safe with me." Oh boy, I was the one panicking right

ost pulled back in fear, but his grip was so soft it was pointle

ied up and my heart beating steady. Maybe he wasn't the monster I thought him to be, maybe

like this couldn't have a kind hea

minutes, I broke the silence. "George said you

in and the sweet scent of wine filled

at Juggy Bar. If

red his throat. "Except you're w

drifting places. "I d

a family dinner tonight, I do not trust

dding. "And y


people were not humans and it would be a huge risk to believe him. "If

the real me yesterday." He snickered,

nded lik

me and I felt horrible about letting him down, but I needed to save myself from th

ca stopped me. "How long hav

e months. Why?"

total?" He asked. I raised my

antly. "…about forty thousand pounds. Big flex by the way to

ou." He gulped his drink comp

ouldn't help but laugh

tle? Oka

you kidding

nd placed it on the counter. "You are allowed

l features. I looked down at the card, his name was boldly embossed on it- Luca Carver. This

of firing me from Juggy and leaving me stranded? Were they pay

to get a good hospital, my school loans would be paid, rent too, an

you're looking for a way to punish me for walking in on you last night, but I pr

You mesmerize

eve and I pinched myself to se

oney real

ay bigger than me so I had to look up to meet his eyes. "A ride will be waiting for you a

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1 Chapter 1 1. Luca: Glozikes.2 Chapter 2 2. Willow: Monsters Lurking At Juggy.3 Chapter 3 3. Willow: Black Card4 Chapter 4 4. Willow: Secret is Safe.5 Chapter 5 5. Willow: Meet My Family.6 Chapter 6 6. Willow Luca: Blind Spot.7 Chapter 7 7. Willow: Flowers and Dates8 Chapter 8 8. Willow: Be My Eyes.9 Chapter 9 9. Willow: Juggy Flower Bar.10 Chapter 10 10. Willow: Space and Filla.11 Chapter 11 11. Willow: Sister's Love Party.12 Chapter 12 12. Willow: Close To You.13 Chapter 13 13. Willow: Claws.14 Chapter 14 14. Luca: Close Save.15 Chapter 15 15. Willow: Panic Attack.16 Chapter 16 16. Luca: Mission Begins.17 Chapter 17 17. Willow: Eyes Duty.18 Chapter 18 18. Carlos George: Alpha of all Alphas19 Chapter 19 19. Willow Simone: Flags20 Chapter 20 20. Willow Luca: Thick Scent.21 Chapter 21 21. Willow: Maybe Friends.22 Chapter 22 22. Willow: Eyes or Juggy.23 Chapter 23 23. Carlos: Just Get It Done, Alpha.24 Chapter 24 24. Willow: Your Eyes Are Wet.25 Chapter 25 25. Luca: Rage.26 Chapter 26 26. Willow: Dinner At His Place.27 Chapter 27 27. Willow: Replacement.28 Chapter 28 28. Willow: Slow Desires.29 Chapter 29 29. Carlos: Whip.30 Chapter 30 30. Willow: First Day At Work.31 Chapter 31 31. Willow: Massage Spa.32 Chapter 32 32. Get Naked.33 Chapter 33 33. Willow: What are you guys 34 Chapter 34 34. Willow: Monster George.35 Chapter 35 35. Carlos Luca: The Truth.36 Chapter 36 36. Willow: Coma37 Chapter 37 37. Willow Luca: Emotions38 Chapter 38 38. Willow Luca: Valentino39 Chapter 39 39. Willow: Truth Game40 Chapter 40 40. Willow: Hand and Head41 Chapter 41 41. Luca Willow: Sex42 Chapter 42 42. Luca Willow: Mission Accomplished43 Chapter 43 43. Willow: Mustering Courage 44 Chapter 44 44. Carlos Willow: Tensed45 Chapter 45 44. Willow: Bestie46 Chapter 46 46. Willow: Jealous.47 Chapter 47 47. Luca Willow: Habits48 Chapter 48 48. Simone Willow: Past49 Chapter 49 49. Willow: Monster50 Chapter 50 50. Simone Willow: Death51 Chapter 51 51. Willow: Guilt52 Chapter 52 52. Willow: World53 Chapter 53 53. Willow Luca: Funeral Climax