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The lycan prince and his mate

The lycan prince and his mate


Chapter 1Ā The encounter

Word Count: 1377 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 27/01/2024

shake or make a bit of noise Even if I wa

in front of me, the four feet creature with bloodstains o

noticed by it, the blood drops that fell to the floor was so tick that I wondered how many people it must have kill

away and never get to find me, suddenly there was a scream, drawing the creature's attention away, it sounded

ng my breathe little by little, it skipped my mind a woman needed help at the schools walk way, so I kept my attention just at the shattered window and the stain of the creature'

and get experiments done on it, yes this

container in my hand bag and gradually went out the door, silently making my way th

now, this school isn't just a school for humans, yes there are shape shifting people, t

thinking the woman that screamed would

ne is off, and my touch, I've lost it,

d scream or call for help, he drew me swiftly into a class room, wi

nd right and then at me, sure I wasn't going to make a noi

is other hand holding mine tight, he looked familiar but I coul

warmth manner as if all he needed at that m

was going to kiss me, in this chaos?, I thought inwardly but yet in this chaos my panting heart d

leave here" I said as I

ht, we

needs our help" I

shape shifting fuckin

sort of creature he must had ran into, well I was done investigating for

omewhere we could excape from... "Well what if we go through that wind

on to my hand and then helping me out the window, gosh the relief I felt when we left the school was on

n dressed in black, we were finally out of danger, this d

so dead serious on bringing me home and I agr

of proper explanation" I chuckled calmly... With a bit of rage in

lock rang non stop, shaking the life out

just my a

loudly, it was mum, standing at the door, h

to the floor, waiting calming to kno

y human or if she was a human made of stone for a heart, she would scold, punish and beat the life out of you if you fail to do things right, she

o our home, just because she made a mistake and broke a glass cup with water she said, "you are not supposed to b

ways say, "small mistakes is how we know them" okay I was off with that statement, w

t, but mum would stay in her room, studying things she wouldn't let us know about, one time I insisted on

your mother, don't think about her character, and

town, so most times his rarely around, but during holidays you're sure to see him, he treasures

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