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Word Count: 1043    |    Released on: 25/01/2024



searched for Zera for more than ten minutes and I had not seen her.

he was discussing with Sarah but one thing the noise could not do was stop me from seeing S

y action relating to Zera had

need to get a girl because

isinterpreted it and before anything could be said,

wn and with her small hand, Zera laid a strong grip on the

ound quietened the noise in the hallway

new that typical Zera would not apprecia

d I just needed her peaceful presence r

who popped out from nowhere a

rudely'' The guy known as 'Cain' said in defence of Zera. I have no memory of ever

Janeth seemed tongue tied and quickly los

abel asked gently as she tuc

ieve we have a class to attend to'' Cain said and he

ed her to the classroom.

arah and Cain – sat along t

ed giggles, meaningful looks, smiles an

he very back of the class where I wo

guys mind sharing what is s

ld see how Zera was trying her very best not to laugh. The

ion would earn a penal

'' I asked Aaron w

gent he is and his father, who is also our principal, made him repeat. I heard there is a reason relati

tood before Zera, my hands on h

eed you now''

mediately and I could read

is Zera to you and you would do well to stop calling me ba

you... alone'' I said darting my eyes to Sar

worth it because I have free vanilla

e it with him, it can a

asked, my voice quite nonchala

my life and besides, we are not friends'' Zera said,

ot your friend? Is he..'' I asked p

help but think that this is another high classed prank you are p

ll see you around baby'' I said and I was about to touch her cheek like how babies are touc

Greek god. We'll be on

his hand from mine w

ho are you

friend'' Cain said and I pressed ha

both our hands, ''Let

last look at Zera, before I

ra didn't count me as someo

n what she thinks of me? When d

putty because

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1 Chapter 1 ZEUS RAPHAEL 2 Chapter 2 ZERA SHERIFF 3 Chapter 3 THE DERAIL 4 Chapter 4 HOWL HIGH5 Chapter 5 A DIFFERENT KIND OF ANGEL 6 Chapter 6 CAIN7 Chapter 7 WON'T TURN PUTTY 8 Chapter 8 LEAST EXPECTED 9 Chapter 9 TEASES AND THREATS10 Chapter 10 GOING TO A PARTY11 Chapter 11 DRESSED UP FOR A PARTY12 Chapter 12 STRANGE FEELING 13 Chapter 13 THINKING OF ZERA14 Chapter 14 MONDAY MORNING 15 Chapter 15 WORST FORM16 Chapter 16 GRAVE INDIGNATION 17 Chapter 17 MY BUSINESS 18 Chapter 18 ALPHA THOMAS 19 Chapter 19 A WORLD OF WITHDRAWAL 20 Chapter 20 ANNE21 Chapter 21 HIS FLAVOUR 22 Chapter 22 SHOW OFF 23 Chapter 23 FRIDAYS 24 Chapter 24 ZERA'S SWEET THREATS 25 Chapter 25 HERMOSA26 Chapter 26 HUMBLED27 Chapter 27 IN THE DARK28 Chapter 28 IN RECORD SPEED29 Chapter 29 A BET30 Chapter 30 COLD STARE31 Chapter 31 REGRET32 Chapter 32 IN THE NAME OF BEAUTY 33 Chapter 33 A STEP 34 Chapter 34 KILL CAIN WILBUR35 Chapter 35 BEYOND BEAUTIFUL 36 Chapter 36 CONFESS37 Chapter 37 ACCOMPLISHED 38 Chapter 38 ALPHA JACOB39 Chapter 39 MYSTERY LOVE 40 Chapter 40 STILL SMILING 41 Chapter 41 A LITTLE DIGRESS 42 Chapter 42 MOTIVATION 43 Chapter 43 CARINO44 Chapter 44 FEW WORDS45 Chapter 45 STILL EFFECTIVE 46 Chapter 46 HIS PASSION47 Chapter 47 PERFECTLY PERFECT GIRLIE 48 Chapter 48 ENEMIES BETTER THAN STRANGERS 49 Chapter 49 LOOK OVER YOUR SHOULDER 50 Chapter 50 MAY THE BEST MAN WIN 51 Chapter 51 JUMP SCARE 52 Chapter 52 ALPHA JACOB 53 Chapter 53 CONSCIOUS 54 Chapter 54 STUNNED 55 Chapter 55 INTRUDER56 Chapter 56 LIVING SNAKE57 Chapter 57 A FAVOUR58 Chapter 58 HER THOUGHTS59 Chapter 59 MAKE HER REGRET60 Chapter 60 CARD MIXER OF OUR FATES61 Chapter 61 SARAH TRASHING THE TRIO62 Chapter 62 UNFINISHED BUSINESS63 Chapter 63 I'LL HELP YOU REMEMBER64 Chapter 64 THIRD WHEELER65 Chapter 65 THE SWITCH66 Chapter 66 CONSEQUENCES 67 Chapter 67 LIMITS68 Chapter 68 ZERA'S CHOICE69 Chapter 69 AFFECTION70 Chapter 70 BACK STORY71 Chapter 71 A LITTLE DIGRESS72 Chapter 72 ATTACKS ON ZERA73 Chapter 73 THE RESEARCH74 Chapter 74 MIGHT BE AN OBSESSION75 Chapter 75 THE GIRLFRIEND76 Chapter 76 THE PIANIST77 Chapter 77 TRUE COLOURS78 Chapter 78 HIS ANGER79 Chapter 79 INDIVIDUAL COMPLEXES80 Chapter 80 GOING UP TOWN81 Chapter 81 GIVING IN82 Chapter 82 SOMETHING IFFY83 Chapter 83 BOYFRIEND84 Chapter 84 TIME TO MINGLE85 Chapter 85 THE DANCE86 Chapter 86 RUNNING BACK TO HOWL HIGH87 Chapter 87 AWAKE88 Chapter 88 HER VIOLIN89 Chapter 89 EXHAUSTED90 Chapter 90 THE EQUALIZER91 Chapter 91 ZERA ACCEPTS92 Chapter 92 SARAH'S INTERRUPTION93 Chapter 93 THE AWAITED MOMENT94 Chapter 94 TROUBLE IN PACKS95 Chapter 95 THE REPLY96 Chapter 96 A DEAL97 Chapter 97 BACK TO THE PRESENT(I)98 Chapter 98 BACK TO THE PRESENT(II)99 Chapter 99 INFILTRATED100 Chapter 100 THE INFORMANT