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The Second Violin

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 2938    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

lotte's door. Then he turned the knob. The door would

. "I can see a light from outside, if you have got it all pl

ell, come in," she said. "I didn't mean anybody to know

ntering with an air of curios

umblers of coloured water. In the midst of this confusion lay one piece of nearly finished work--the int

board upon which the colour drawing was stretched

rniture," she said. "This is just to show a scheme for

studying it with interest. "Those dull reds and blues will show off his

e saw at once that they were hand-work. They represented in full-size d

fter you slip away. You're sitting up

top me, Jeff. I'm not up late, re

couldn't paint by

makes. But I do only the drudgery, evenings--out

how this to

. You know Mr. Murdock, with that decorating house where the Deckers had their work

te laughed she felt the encouragement of his boyish approval. Putting away her work, sh

news for me. Did you mean it

ace growing grave. "You put it out of my head when I came in. I me

brightness flying from her face. "Why, I was in yesterday, and

--you can't. Wa

iling, if anything goes wrong with Annie. They did it before, when they thought she wasn't doing well. The baby was so frightene

se. A rapid walk through the crisp January night brought them to the poorer quarter of th

n for the worse an hour ago. I never thought she'd get well,

She was thinking hard. Jeff remained quiet beside her. Charlotte

rm. "Jeff," she said, very softly and close to his ea


very time I've been here I've found her frighte

of these women can take ca

but it distressed Annie all the time to have any of them take care of Ellen. They give her all sorts of things t

know anything

an put the little thing to sleep in Just's crib. It's

on your hands. Annie has no relations. You told me that yourself. The child'll have to go to an asylu

ouldn't sleep, thinking of little Ellen to-night. Besides, when Annie was worrying

grumbled. "As if you hadn't things enough on your sho

he small, slenderly furnished living-room of the tiny house which had been her home. It wa

Over the child a subdued but excited discussion was being held, as to who sho

od for a moment, looking down at the baby, a pretty

all worse fixed than I am, and I guess we can make room for her somehow, till it's decided what to d

all lend a hand to help you out. I'll bri

lect the colour from a face brilliant with frost-bloom, stood in the outer door. The next instant Charlotte Birch, closing the do

. Of course we are the ones to see to little Ellen. If mother were here she would insist upon it.

to recognise a friend and lifted two little arms, her tiny lips quivering. Charlotte drew her gently up, and rising, walk

n' with such as us," said one, "if we ai

mile, as she caught the words. "But I'm so

for you?" asked the

here," sh

She was ready to cry at sight of any strange face, poor little frightened child! But Do

ctor said softly to Charlotte, "If you need advice or help, don't hesitate

d thank you, doctor, for--n

tte took the baby from him at t

d I didn't da

at him as Jeff opened the door and the light streamed out upon them, surprised upon his face, as his eyes rested

own white bed and noiselessly closed the door. Jeff tried hard to do her bidding, but the crib did not get down-sta

the blue basin. Don't get it hot--just luke

murmured, pausing an instant to watch his

e of you?" answered Charlott

wn-stairs after the milk. It took him some time, and when he came tiptoeing back he fou

ps, cuddling her in a blanket meanwhile. But the girl's eyes filled at this, remembering poor Annie, and J

t. I don't feel equal to telling the others what I've done till morning," and Charlotte smiled rather

if I did think you were rather off your head at first," promised Je

e stated, but Baby Ellen did wake up. It was at three o'clock in the morning that Charlotte, who,

long curly braids swinging over her shoulders, and in spite of all that

what an amount of disturbance one small pair of lungs can produce. It was not long before the anxious nurse, listening with both ears for evidences that the family

y to hush the baby by means which were never known to ha

her eyes wide with alarm. Lanse, lightly costumed

ia, and words failed her. Bu

sounds just after I got to bed. Is there any good reason why the family shouldn't be informed of what strange intenti

more unknown beings in the room that nothing could be distinguished. What Charlotte said was, "Please go away! I'll

sfavour relaxed a degree, but he still looked preternaturally severe. Celia hobbled over to the baby, and sitting

ation, nodded assurance to Charlotte, and hauled his elder brother across the hall

doctor was there. He carried the baby home. We couldn't leave her there. She was scared to death. She knows Fid

and was feeling the customary masculine displeasure at having his hard-earned rest brok

"Hasn't the poor girl got enough on her hands without having you scowl at h

harlotte's room, picked up his elder sister without say

rlotte," Celia remonstrated.

her down if anybody can. If she can't, I'll call the doctor. Now go to sleep. Charlotte and I will man the ship to-night, and in the morni

ork, as Jeff had meant it should; so putting out her light, he slipped

ith anxious eyes. The b

breathe again!" she called in his ear. "I do really think you'd better call Mrs. Fields

Captain Rayburn's room opened, and Jeff

uncle not to attempt to assist Charlotte in her dilemma. That gentleman hobbled back to bed, smiling

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