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The Only One.

The Only One.


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1524    |    Released on: 23/01/2024


the police. But what about the two children who were left outs

police. Jesse and I are watching here on the

" the policeman said and

it! Turns out there was a CCTV on the truck that I rode ou

s attention because it's handsome. Well, when I see it, I'll call the

gave Toni a copy. Next, the

're A

diately covered her mouth. We can't

seen this man?" the po

wered while Ko

asked Koko arrogantly. I might wring that fat ma

, sir. I'm sorry," Ad

ute of looking around the pet shop, he came out. Toni waited a few min

, that's a mess. It's been said and this one's face

d I know I can trust you. Also, I have a good reason. Let me and I

Be alert around and bri

unlight. Very hot and really burns the skin. The hot weather is more intense because the tre

nside and sat down. I sat in the back next to Jesse because Billy instructed.

hat should be together. Billy forgot to buy groceries, so he said he would leave first to buy t

exact date of our visit to Billy's friend but I hope it will be ea

nd out that he was a good cook especially and I remembe

'm going to cook and use the ingredients you have

still good and kind to say goodbye. Equinox just

ur refrigerator. Have a daydr

vegetables, what will he cook? It's guaranteed to be delicious. I have confidence in t

going to cook?

. Then there's vegetables to cook pakbet. It's delicious and nutritious, it's

mething from his past or maybe it's a good memory. It's good that he smiles when he remembers the past. When I am the one who re

irit woke up. His sauteed garlic and onions are very fragrant. It smells so

m only mean sometimes so I hope

fragrant," he answered. Not bad for

s and a new sachet of oil. When he cut it, he cut

tsk. You're not being

etter soon," a

f us members of The Ones. Jesse is sure to have hidden abilities. Ability is unique to everyone. It hasn't even come out yet or possibly he doesn't kn

did, sit down now," said J



darkening at me. I laughed, he was really good at takin

seem to be healing faster. I remembered Mom when she was worried about me. I r

so delicious, there's really nothing like mom's

gasped when I accidentally cut my finger. My wound h

might end up cutting your w

st. Don't worry because it's on

get hurt or hurt yourself. You know th

," I apologized and

from his loss. Thank you for the new friends who make me happy. I was able to get up again a

love to help so many for the betterment of the world, and have friends that I never had

e here on the side. When I was about to taste it, I remembered that I had never c

I forgot how to eat," I asked here.

swered and stood

organ use it. Even LPG is better than the non-charcoal one my mom

middle finger. When the water was ready, I wiped the bottom of the pot before

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