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Fighting Faith

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 4263    |    Released on: 20/01/2024


lack wolf right

He even ran away with not even a glance back, or was

r some reason I was not scared. I think it was the drug acting on me or that I didn't entirel

haze thinking I was Alice in Wonderland. Yup, t

ut I heard another howl at the distance. I coul

throughout my skin making me feel sick and hot while our eyes crossed, I couldn't avoid feeling my cheeks fl

s me. I think it was eager to taste, it looks as it was already tasting me like a four course me

know if it was real

on the back of my head

s conscious just yet. My head hurt like never before, it was like a throbbing pain const

s enough to walked back ho

burning my insides. I was on my pjs which meant grams put me to bed and that she would be extrem

re so out of question for me, I will be fore

back up until seven. I have a shift today at the gas station at noon up until seven as well, she would pick me up

cashier there but I also had to help Joe filling up the st

as in pain or red when I saw a bite mark on my neck. It could pass as a mosquito bite

et, but I didn't see my jacket. Where is my jacket? Probably

was I just im

he 'douchebag' aka Jake put on my drink last night. I

, yesterday was a perfect example. Though drugged, I don't think I would be able to do much. I don't think I could have done

t the Starbucks across from the gas station before arriving. I'm dying with hunger and grams didn't left me

r heat. I could walk back at night but grams wouldn't let me because 'it’s dangerous

o hot to be drinking hot coffee and I definitely needed coffee today. I was still feeling the throbbi

couldn't rape me, he sti

lf, that was just t

ed with black suits and shades there was no one else. Weird given the fact that is almost 90 degrees ou

s. I crossed the street to the gas station. It was a simple job, just tend

dents, no big news like the big cit

g" and we don't know yet where we'll live, it was hotels for the first two weeks and then getting a house, I think she worked to buy house

ew phone I could download some books into it, but grams didn't w

re I could have everything possible and within range of security, at least I had a good education. I don't complain and neve

verything when we

people buying gas, snacks and even lottery ticket

ation again, I felt someone was watching m

eeling even worse than I was this morning, the headache wouldn't stop and my skin felt burning even

terday? Was that

rom a text message, grams

but the biz's going

You didn't look out of place when I was ch

ith, that means that he really hit my


lumsy I am sometimes.

before using shades and suits were here this time, wer

had my hand below the counter in case I needed to sound the alarm and

us, maybe it was with the way they w

while the other one moved around, were they trying to steal something? They didn't look like robbers or mu

ile I was looking at the other guy. I looked back at the guy near the entrance,

he was almost two feet tall so even when I was behind the register I still nee

f us looked at the door at the same time as if we were caught doing something bad. Jak

ual, we were both sick due to the drug he trie

stly instead of attempting to purchase anything in particular. Jake, on the other hand, was nervously movi

ome close at any moment and kill him, did he really s

cine he had; flu medicine and stuff for the stomach. I was


it was coming from, it felt close and thunderous. The other two guys seemed too focused

he asked cautious of my answer. He was tremblin

eve I was okay compared to him. Shoul

no which made hi

the bear… or wolf? Whatever that

isle stands and they both walked outside without uttering a word. Even when they seemed to be running away scared, this didn't stop them from

they ev

er. This was my vengeance. I don't think I'll s

in the cart but didn't buy. People should be more conscious about employees; this is m

le to a downpour while I was doing this. I just hope Joe will arrive on time, I

I felt my whole body aching and burning as if a fire lighted up inside me and I didn'

hower, probably that wi

outside and that's how I spent the next couple of hours, no customers, not

Joe n

ith a Coke. My grams was almost here and Joe was nowhere to be see

stone on my back, my muscles were sore and my back hurt like if I

ow what was happening to me but I couldn't leave the register alone

oberts, it

how is all

ck. Is my grams still there? Joe is not

my mouth when I felt my back tearin


s going on? I'll look over the cam

was feeling all over my body. I felt as if my body was breaking into

Joe and ask him to go to the store right now. Yo

… o

I was internally dying. Do I have a cancer? Is

dy contorting into shapes I didn't even know it was possible for the human

eems to alleviate the p

ing at th

d steps closing to me, I didn't w

she had a huge blank

er words while she helped me up, she was extremely strong to ris

t is happe

ing the door to the shop area. She

tearing up from within and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Being in a sited po

eling less guilty about the noise. It was just too quiet outside if we removed the rain, p

n will be over in a couple of hours, you will shift

I didn't even understand, let wh

is when they come up for the first time, that's what'

stand anything she was talking about and I couldn'

ut I couldn't recognize it, it sounded guttural

the greenhouse. I didn't want to be surrounded by plants, I wanted

cluded area which now that I think about it, it w

ams was humming next to me trying to consort me, she was trying to talk to me about wolves but I screamed

grams, she smiled when everything seems to be over but I still felt weird.


speak but it soun

and honey. I'll

Shift i

I heard myself saying

ing anything. She kneeled on the floor and while I blinked she turned into some kind of gigantic

asking even when I kne

a shiny blue and I knew right away s

e but I still heard her talking, it

elieving anything that happene

uch to talk

as like learning to walk all over again, I was on my f

my answered. I whimpered scared, I was cr


e'll need to be exhausted

ere was someone else insi

ough a big door from the back which was still

powerful alpha, when you were born everyone thought you'd be a boy due to how

knew you were a girl. It didn't really

ere sounding inside my head, I still think she h

elop all your wolf's senses even when you're a human. You could hear stuff that are not close,

I asked still shocked, that means that the

u see one like us? Where?' she asked in panic, I didn't

ed inside my head and starte

understand anything. I could hear the birds chirping at the distance, even the crickets around

reaking, the greenhouse was being attacked by

ell her" I heard people screa

on their path and one of them had the only pictur

randma stopped, I can't believe

hat was standing there. It looked familiar, was it one of the guys

18 today" that was the other one, were they always toget

He's looking for you and we have to run, run as fast

guy grams just mentioned killed my parents and

y killed in

ds were decorating his face. His broad shoulders and tall stature, he was almost two feet tall and behind a

l lips add to his attractive features, complemented by sun-kissed skin. It's a face that effortlessly combines strength

ke he was what I wanted all along, that's when I understood what my grams said

ard my grams screaming 'Run!' an

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