Don Marcello, Lord Of Desire
the big door he has jus
for? A puppet? I am
ts. Jeez! Whose are these? Does this man have a sister? Or a wife? Probably an ex-wife. Or else would be despicab
y need a s
n the world. Sorry for Signore Marcel
look good on me. Turns out everything is my type. Whoever this woman is, she surely has good States in clothes. But what's there to say about someone
e short-sleeved shirt and a pair of black sandals
n when I was in th
ou could pretend to have some courtes
way staring down at me, scrutini
r. He walks toward me. I quickly stand up. I look him starlight in the eyes to show him that I am not threatened by any
e. He lifts his hand to cup my chin. I pull out of his hold. He grabs
rs, using his other hand to lift my chin. H lo
ho can't cooperate with me. You have to obey, Lori will be glad to teach you how to bend to m
teeth, and then struggle out of his hold. He is muc
o," I sho
s useless to fight me," he
cello. My name is
e it. If you stop strug
audacity to handle a w
are not shouting," he says, sl
n him and bite off a chunk of h
go home,"
won't be going home any
y n
fe for you
me understand," I demand. I am tired
w, you have to go downstairs and
. I am not hungry
nswers if you don't listen
nd you expect me to gladly obey your order like some puppet? Do you think you can keep me here just like this? I am o
man is so
it past the mansion itself. Your family will try to find you but they won't
mean? Is he g
t me out of the way, right? So that you can get yourself my father's wealth? Why have you kept me alive? Why are you keeping
t from me, ignore Marcello, ment
y is capable of protecting you where were they last night? Where were they when Federico and his men
ere? Is he in the Ma
party was suspicious enough for me to get the clue that he was after you. I saw you leaving earl
o killed Papa but we don't have any clear evidence against him. He has been an enemy of our family for a very long time and has been a rival of my father in th
myself from falling. I knew my suspicion back at the party wa
d is s
ed me from
alms and try to collec
ng. He is not going to give up until he achieves what he wants. That's
head to lo
are not family. What do you want?" I want to kn
favour. It's not your part t
o's part
al waste of time if I am trying to keep you safe yet you are determined to store yourself to death.
e to be so
you planning t
tion now," he says, then
scover some answers yourself with time. Right now, you have to
hat's all I am
king no for
l my
won't tolerate yo
even allowed