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One More Shot At LOVE

Chapter 2 Episode 2

Word Count: 2261    |    Released on: 15/01/2024


to the bed. At last, she was home. It wasn't muc

a's nurse, controlled the place. The farm had formerly been a leading cattle producer, but since Samual took it over, it had been transformed into a vacat

aravans and camping. Number six was one of the cabins. When Amelia ended her relationship with Tony, she moved into the cabin. Amelia h

visitors. Thankfully, the house was occupied because the wedding was quickly approaching. Despite her parents' persistent concern, she did

come-home cup of tea, the hugs, and the presents were given, Julia did not make Amelia spend any necessary family time. She had even been given the all-ahead sleep off her jet lag. Ame

chattering excitedly, and if she noticed Amelia's unusual stillness, she said nothing. Amelia knew it was more than

lings as she thought back to him. She remembered the firmness of his

of rage through the memory foam and cotton blend. He wasn't meant to have

d she take? She watched him walk away, that gorgeous arse of his. She was so focused on protecting herself that she could not take

l sad when she saw him again, but what she experienced when pressed against him was far more intense than that. In the nine months she had been gone, her hormones had erupted into a fury. Though Amelia hadn't been a nun throughout their separation and assume

it!" She sobbed

now not th

aw Cassie, her other siste

ng up, Amelia said, "I d

p here to check

t time

indeed had a watch on, and it wasn't a fitness tracker eit

uch afte

Gazing out the window at the pi

es, Cassie said,

u still c

ious. Since you left,

g tummy. Indeed, they have. Y

sank onto the bed next to Trina. "I think I

ager to hold my young niece or nephew. You s

is con

n wh

plan to stay in

he answered. "Come on, I'm starving. Are your

h, Mum talked us into staying the night." Do not

rite niece has

ly bide her time u

elder sister. The issue arose when their mother began to compare the two of them, with Amelia consistently falling

my feet up. Since the sun had set, the hea

other taking

e you departed and Zoë returned to the city, I have been left wi

jealousy and small-minded arguments that characterised her relationship with her sisters. Although she wouldn't describe herself

approached the large home. "Give me a bre

u're my favourite siste

was there to greet him. Despite his renovations

his arms, and he grabbed her as h

tepping aside to avoid falli

ng him. "I just need you to get ri

eet. Although Miawas technically still living with their grandp

everything doi

d me? In the restroo

away, what did you do? Or only when I'm

him, shrugging. "You kn

beneath the vanity. The next bathroom on the list was one that still needed work. Smith wasn't sure why Mia was using this bathroom rat

ng, he picked up the spider and placed it i

. That's where. He turned to face his sister, who

lied. "What did y

ty to give you a gift ea

hough it was well known, and he was

his head. "Isn't the fact that I'

a narrowed look

sides. "Yes, I'm finished," he sighed.

nic, and he was eager to return to working on norm

she said, giving him another emb

ongings and picked up a wrapped surprise, which he threw to her. She grasped it and ripped

not yours, is i

he shook her head. Although the term "snow globe" was misleading be

aid, "I love it." "I have

ving been reared by their paternal grandparents in the years after, they were both young when the disaster occurred. Since Miawas younger than he was when they passed away, he doubted that she had

tending the B&S b

achelors and Spinsters ball, or B&S ball, served as a cover for drin

ed was a haircut, a shave, and a few days of rest befo

istening?" Mia prodded him

e B&S ball without simultaneously thinking about them and the B&S ball when they ev

ball is helping to raise money for the rural wildfire brigade. You are aware

I simply donate right now? I don't wa

enue from selling alcohol excee

I'll buy a tic

nd shook her head after giving him a d

o respond to that query. He would have declared h

nciled with her yet, ha

odging the

that what transpired between Amelia and me

er not to d

know she's

return soon since Zoë

her in the community a

tly what I was going to say to you." And it

e was far from fine if that day was any guide. Now that they'd broken the ice, perha

es, do tell your

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