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The Lycan King's Hidden Princess

Chapter 2 Nightmares

Word Count: 2058    |    Released on: 12/01/2024


illing me to bone. And why is it so d

re out where the hell I was; only to realis

end up here? Oh Goddess, am I lost? But

houghts, making me turn around just in time to

vaguely familiar but I couldn’t make out his face, it’s alm

in while I stood there contemplating whether I wanted to f

iddle of the forest with n

apping my arms around my body as the winds picked

s about to twist the door handle, a terrifying shriek like howl to

hispered to myself, frozen s

plain why the hell I was at their front door in the middle

around me changed and the next thing I knew, I was running barefoot somewhere in th

finitely not the good kind. I forced myself to run faster as the growling mu

elf run faster. My feet were aching, probably bleeding but that didn’t

mattered is that crashed into the forest floor hard; and eve

owling in my face. My heart stopped and I held my breath, the nightmarish creature

st as long; and multiple rows of teeth I knew I could n

coming face to face with a woman that invoked unimaginable rage from deep within me. Only for a moment did I forg

h a menacing twinkle in her eyes an

elf to stand. I noticed two more beasts, similar to th

ither side me, successfully boxing

sation that there was no way out of

for me?” she rolled her eyes, her fa

y fucking kingdom!” her voice rose to a sc

g. The creatures howled; the sound so terrifying that a shiver wracked through my body,

my child will live to take back her throne!” I growled; my claws a

we rolled twice before coming

ut I quickly slapped them away

side and I took advantage, r

ught a flash of black and turned just in time for

on my back,

n with its lar

skin. I bit my tongue, holding back my scream as I stared dari

could think of a way to get it

my eyes opening at the fee

mom’s soothing voice managed to

ngs slowly started taking in air

, safe, it was just a

hed deeply, fuck; one day these nightmares

at the foot of my bed, making me sigh and sit

like she was seeking shelter or something. She called a name

and she had these beasts chasing me” I sighed, feeling a shi

ered and I turned to

way. Every time I tell them about a nightmare I had, she gets th

ing maybe this time she wil

mpression there’s more to thes

the pack house. Go get ready and I’ll make us breakfast” she said, getting u

just suddenly grew frustrated with her and I

ou telling me?

ust as she had come, she disap

were as wide as saucers at my little display of anger. I’d never reacted li

ing from me and I had

d said, trying to steerthe conversation in a different direction and a

like all normal wolves do, I didn’t. I did get the super sense

too intensely but most of the time

at my hands, besides, mom wasn’t going

and almost brokenly but I couldn’t

et ready” I said getting out

ing the door as a tear of f

ways made sure to cover with my long white; almost silver hair; my almond shaped, purple coloured eyes always had people looking at me like I was some ki

ast, I’m treated like an outcast by my pack,

d like a slave, is my parents. Though t

my mom is a seer and also does some protection spells on the pack. Even though wolves an


er day of cleaning every room in the pack house, by myself

dried up and put lotion on. I walked back into my room

ll of comfortable clothes, cloth

hes on and pulled my hair into a messy bun, making sure to cover my ears. I grabbed my p

tell her the truth” my dad’s hushed words made me s

yelled, making my heart drop to my stomac

a fake smile on my face, “ooooooh pancakes, my abso

aid with a laugh so fake I felt my non-existent wolf cringe; but I

day I will

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue 2 Chapter 2 Nightmares 3 Chapter 3 Two woman cleaning crew 4 Chapter 4 Mate5 Chapter 5 Rejection 6 Chapter 6 The outcast7 Chapter 7 Broken Bond 8 Chapter 8 Miserable existence 9 Chapter 9 Give her the world 10 Chapter 10 You're Lu11 Chapter 11 Accept me as your mate 12 Chapter 12 Mark me13 Chapter 13 Hollow14 Chapter 14 Trapped15 Chapter 15 Wrath of a mother 16 Chapter 16 Unworthy 17 Chapter 17 I like your contacts 18 Chapter 18 The very beginning 19 Chapter 19 Can I kiss you 20 Chapter 20 Herbs 21 Chapter 21 Possessive 22 Chapter 22 All the right places 23 Chapter 23 You look... different 24 Chapter 24 Walking dead 25 Chapter 25 Sapphiraaaaaa!26 Chapter 26 I'm the lucky bastard 27 Chapter 27 Lylla28 Chapter 28 Mine forever 29 Chapter 29 The pack 30 Chapter 30 Cheater!31 Chapter 31 Focus32 Chapter 32 Demonic little things 33 Chapter 33 Love letter 34 Chapter 34 Mira35 Chapter 35 Mercy for a traitor 36 Chapter 36 I come in peace 37 Chapter 37 A woman scorned 38 Chapter 38 Knock me out 39 Chapter 39 Goddess...40 Chapter 40 Hold her 41 Chapter 41 Nauseous 42 Chapter 42 You seem to forget that I'm a seer43 Chapter 43 Stand with you 44 Chapter 44 I am Princess Alari Lyca 45 Chapter 45 Whisper46 Chapter 46 I like her47 Chapter 47 Elle48 Chapter 48 Size of a pea49 Chapter 49 I think that's a Pixie50 Chapter 50 Welcome home51 Chapter 51 Roan52 Chapter 52 Clara53 Chapter 53 Hot springs54 Chapter 54 Goddesses of creation55 Chapter 55 Make a call56 Chapter 56 Hardly fair if you ask me57 Chapter 57 She's gone58 Chapter 58 Epilogue