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The Return Of The Dark Warlock

The Return Of The Dark Warlock

Author: Nemesis

Chapter 1 Goodbye, Raze Cromwell

Word Count: 1382    |    Released on: 11/01/2024

. An old man, hair and beard whipping wildly in the gale, squinted aga

eld them from the stinging gusts. "Why on earth did I

impatiently. "Magic may solve many problems in this wo

is frame as he made his way tow

nd, I would have been done

reached his ears—sounds of despair

ll you all keep quiet? What co

t from any external power source, but from Raze's own magic. Bound with their hands and legs tied, within the circle

stay silent?" Raze questioned, tracing a symbol in t

y Pub

re. Drawing a ragged breath, he pleaded, tears streaming down his face. "Plea

And when that couple begged for their lives,

roze, eyes wi

id you

a fit of rage for looking at another person. Creating false reports of being abused, sending those that

recounting their hidden crimes, the a

of mockery in his voice, "a zealous vegan, imposing your views on others. Tr

ymbols appeared within the circl

he captives challenged him. "So what! You judge us, but what about you, Dark Magus? How

iolent coughing, flecks of blood staining the ground below. "You're righ

om behind proclaimed

wcomers - five figures dressed in pris

've come to save us!"

ions. They were all 9-star mages at the very top. Due to their power, seeing them a

ling out one. "Enaxx, how does your wife cope, knowing yo

w, as a heat of anger rose to En

e the others. He radiated with energy, lighting up the night sky aroun

ght to speak to me! You can all drop the act. All of you took everything I care

lothing, growing around his back even larger, causin

nts, Idore had a

e grave. Even if you did nothing, you would naturally pass away. But how could we let that happe

. "Idore, Gizin, Ibarin, Trubin, and One

ht up. Cautious about what this would do, the Gra

. A great pain welled up, until *Pop*. The tops of their heads exploded, their bod

and they began to walk forward. They felt no traces o

e's really dead

and his head, at least what's

around, examining the magic circle and t

what he meant by

y Pub

had splattered in such a way, along with the magic circle, that it created a bl

ning a ball of fire. He started to levitate, floating in the air, and so did

ything ablaze in an instant, including all the dead bodies on the rooftop. As the magus flew a


my hopes into that book I received from the portal. I don't even know if it

ld easily steal candy from a baby. All I would do is lick it when

the painful ones. Memories from his childhood, the losses he had expe

h greenery everywhere. Images of a man, a woman, and a young girl he had ne

't my memories! They don't even

s, interspersed with unfamiliar ones. Intense pain pulsed in his head, sen

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