The Salt Life…Behind the Helm…
it. Let's get some crab!" I announced as I started down the line. Moose gaffed the first buoy and we continued down the line. A few traps in Scott exclaims "Oh my look at T
portant for their regeneration. It doesn't take long for them to grow their claws back. Typically it takes between a
in between our own pulls, so we don't usually have any issues with product availability. Of course it's better to have our own because then the buying expense goes to our own business and our own boat, but I like being part of the support group as well as the fishing part. I like moving the traps every other pull for a few reasons. It lets me see
more dolphins breached as they swam back and forth in front of the boat. "Look Nuggie, there's a whole family" I smiled as he watched them. Nuggie is one of his nicknames, short for little nugget. We saw it on one of his favorite movies. He liked it and got all excited when he watched the movie, so we repeat
r band that was now frozen solid in its new U position. "I love my turtle. He can have some crab if he wants." I reply. It's easy to tell what kind of sea creature gets into the traps by the different damages they leave behind. Turtles typically will either take the whole side off of the trap or just take off or bend the latches. "My" turtle bends the latches, but I like to think that's because he likes m
the other boats if there is any, the horizon, Bouy, rope, mirror, watch Moose gaff the bouy and get it to the winch, gauges, plotter, the next bouy, the water, the mirror and watch Scott slide the trap over and clear it. Bouy, rope, water, mirror. Marking fishing spots
n other boats. I helped grade crab on those days while Scott filled in as winch man or whatever position he was filling on for. The calm days out there are beautiful, deep blue water. Different fish and sea creatures come up in the traps. But the rough days, makes it safe to say that crabbers are a different breed of people. The sky can get really dark out there, and the waves come over the wheelhouse on even the biggest boats. The captain and crew has to be