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Whispers In The Mist

Chapter 5 Crossing Boundaries

Word Count: 424    |    Released on: 04/01/2024

ed Sarah through the cobblestone streets, a silent accomplice in her quest for the supernatural truths that lurked in the mis

ecrets. Objects around her stirred with an unseen force, responding to the presence of an outsider delving into the town's mysteri

s, once confined to the misty periphery, manifested more frequently, each movement suggesting a narrative beyond the comprehension of

tated in a dance choreographed by unseen hands, and the air became charged with an energy that tingled on her skin. Ravenshadow, no longer boun

mbols etched into the structure glowed with an ethereal light, marking it as a focal point for the to

crackled with energy, and symbols on the walls seemed to come alive, telling a story that echoed through the

's mystical essence, pressed against the windows as if eager to witness the convergence of the natural and the supernatural. Sarah, d

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