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Beauty And Beast

Chapter 4 Wedding!

Word Count: 2255    |    Released on: 30/01/2024

t married and you

ntained nothing but evilness.I was waiting for him to sa

cause I don't want her to get distracted in her work. It wil

imself and starte

ate me t

eard and what he said after just sh

at you can't

flow, feeling a sharp pain in my ch

world .I was just a key to making Naomi do whatever he wants, For the world Mr.

able?, well that's what he considered about me but how weird it is. she's suffering more than me. she's like a official weapon for him to make millions

with whom I'm marrying off.Hell I don't even know his name but I'm

be able feel love and care for once?..

l life is going to be more painful as he



s neck and other on his biceps with eagle one which were making him look scarier.He's 6'1 and a broad muscular man with perfectl

same darkness as him.It was filled with dark marbles even

n gave up his life without any hesitation.No one has ever seen this mafia Don smiling just for once but when it comes to to his brother Leonardo even though he's emotionless.He loves he's brother more than anything.Leonardo was his only safe

eyes turned r

he remember Leonardo's vulner

our eyes, keep the

cent, N-nao

Leonard's last words.He stood in front

in Leo.I wish I would have searche

d at his shirtless muscular body with sharp

e Naomi Madison?how dare you...I'll make you

rage in his d


tering his mansion he smirk at his plan to marry off Eva instead of Naomi.He chuckled at his

welcome here please make yourself c

te he's sentence Vince

ake serving.Here are the marriag

arriage certificate fro

ying with fire.He knows that if Vincent came to know about the truth that he's get

r on his loved ones.He didn't waited for Eva and went straight to

st to convince Eva for the marriage.He had bribed the contract papers by putting an invisible sti

r left leg making it look sexy the gown was showing off her beautiful curves which were looking lavish in that gown.she was looking beautifully gorgeous but how sad it is that he

ration in his eyes would have been grateful to have a daughter like her but how pathetic her faith is.He doesn't fee

ere trembling when she grabbed the pen while Louis watched her every move. At this time Eva was missing her sister so much.She wanted someone to emb

he paper with her trembling hand, a tear escaped from her caramel eyes landing on the paper.Her grabbed the papers and wiped off her tears, he l

se she deserves it.These two sisters

om but stopped and started speak w

can do anything with you as long as he

back get that in your pie size mind!.His home is your refuge and he's your everything.Never try to escape his territory Caz t

gs to Vinc

her father's words she knew once she's married

on her heart clutc

his cruel person.How can

things seems very easy to think and speak but it's not for someone like her who had always suffered from her miseries. She has no power to bear another pain.She knows that escaping will only bring her tremendous sufferings in


n his faith.Cursing that he just got married to his brother's girlfriend and lover.The same girl who's

t married but not with Naomi Madison

he shit out of her.She examines her well built husband with broad shoulders and muscular chest.She wasn't expecting this.She thought, she got married with an old man but to her surprise.He's indeed handsome with his well built body which could attract any girl and he don't ev

ead to toe.He rolled his sleeves up to his bulky arms showing his tattoo by the look of his face it was

the door trapping her small body between his bulky arms.Eva instantly closed her eyes shut when she felt him leaning towards her lips.Poor girl won't even

t that I would kis

taring at her with nothing but hate.Watching her confused

innocent.Let me knock so

it on his hard chest and hugged her from behind more like squeezing her painfull

lkov.Does it

on hissed in pain as he squeezed her even mo

y-you talki

t so easily about

ed him away but he didn't even bulged from his

you just c

n the wall beside him ma

even remember y

rry Naomi but her father used her in the of Naomi.She closed her ey

her arm harshly pulling her towards him.

cent look on your face can melt me.You

hly thrashed in his arms making Vincent to let her go.He

'm Eva, Eva Madis

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