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The Secret Male Wife

The Secret Male Wife

Author: prince15

Chapter 1 our members

Word Count: 1952    |    Released on: 28/12/2023





sit on my head do you want my head

they don't watch porn...I'm just wondering why someone like you who ha

u stop making fun of me..Jam..Stop it Sam al

y, you're deaf.

pped...Let's eat.

cious Jam..You'r

. Don't take it yet..

o social media that you have to take a picture whe

ecause he was active on social media but when he didn't update what was waiting fo

ious conversation with the son of the former leader who leads the organization, so thei

er's successors in the management of the organization. He was nervous or afraid of their

ule when they are in a meeting no one should disturb anything especially the use of c

eir phones and breathed a sigh of relief when t

phone and open it to reply to the message he received, only then did the

u looking for.. Con

even though many people wanted to complain to him, they co



..Look at all the headshots you hit.. Hahaha..Are you going to com

ise...I took the headphone

better known as Ms. Jane because

ent Head because of her playful attitude, but she has a side that shows

made us both leaders to lead us whenever we embark on a mission. In my team, Sam and Frank b

nt underestimates the police but because the police are Their work has limitations that they cannot violate, unlike us, until we can catch the criminal, spy or get evidence and destroy the criminals, no one can

ret agents can't really

the government can't defeat them..So we just let them go as long

e might think I'm sêducïng him.. just like what happened in the past.. I told him I can when he s

th of your thoughts.

e..I know you almost don't want to com

e problem is the case..I thought that only

idn't a

s unfair to him that even though I was a rookie before, I immediately became

n though I'm not..Haa.. Whatever..I have other goals that's why I ende

him Ms.Jane..Mark is als

o masculine...He can't preten

ne said..I almost dropp

to be

got mad at Ste


ad just finished attending the organization's meeting, before he got off he wa



arden of the M

here..I have something

y si

d another car parked in their garage. Stevan's cold

they are



first...What do you want to sa

n't even complain even

on Stevan is in front of them.. By the

d at making weapons that we can use for illegal transactions with those we influence. or we can also use it for our own use..There are only two ways we c

t are all legal.. There is also a possibility that the police are also watching them.. Ar

r their family.. However, if they sympathize with us...Before the

he way before you go to sleep..Talk to your brothers

along like that..Why are y

nd when I'm gone there will be only three of you left he

you get some fresh ai

ke a good

the impatience in his expression because of the long wait, the other had finished making coffee and was just si

oodeve.. Ho

spoke, he was about to go up to the room

ul Stevan is.. Your brother S

s question..What else


t got here at home..He was arg

e is also one of the leaders of another organizati

s to be the most approachable of the siblings..Because she is the only one who smiles and is friendly that personality. Of the three of them,

do..Tolerate his behav

tevan..Come here and


o sip her coffee and Stevan and I played with the weeding ring on his

u met earlier..what

ed D

hy don't you a

ld the organization in Mani

I are just tentacles in Cebu and Davao..If ever our organization falls in Manila..

t me in the head organization and not you.. That's why you're like this

e three of us know that your position is not yet offic

brother. Stevan didn't even stop his

hree also know.. That we are the only two competing

moved the hand that wa

was silently watching his two brothers face ea

as Stevan's only answe

im who still wan

u know our youngest brother..Only Ja



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