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Psychopath's Wife

Chapter 2 Seventeen Years Ago

Word Count: 1794    |    Released on: 27/12/2023



air share of dreams and ambitions and I wanted to acco

in India dreams of, to study and then get a job so that she can stand on her feet

romance novels or movies, something which sounds romantic till the time it's a story, on the tex

ething happened that turned

rystal clear in my mind. And I don't feel good about it, trust me, after seve

c about my future, my career and everything else. I thought that after graduating, I will be having a nice job that will pay me enough that I can be independent and act as the support system of my parents so that they can reti

ices and above all, my hope of having a good partner for me. And I don't know,


nce we shifted here," Mansi, my

a lucky to have someone like her as

I replied to her as I tried to

she does like to do some stu

ege, attending our classes and just spending time in this hostel r

hat she is fed up with her daily routine a

e go?" I curiou

go places, explore this city and do everything a girl

r eyes lit up as she snappe

shocked by her

t me with hope and e

alcohol and getting drunk," I looke

and enjoy partying there. I have seen clubs and bars in movies and it has always fascinated me.

this huge unknown city didn't sound really good to me. I

nce me. "Yeah, trying to return our place, at 1:00 AM, that too drunk, is there any surety that we

en circumstances as well. Who knows what might happen? But Mansi's cute baby

rust me, we will enjoy it a lot," she pleaded like a kid who cr

ng to the club,"

gged me tightly and then rushed towards her

t Mansi, her ivory coloured dress which reached to her thighs accompanied with heels of

dress which was of knee-length, black heels, light make up which consisted of eyeline

ay, that

ful and

I was thinking about and comp

uch less than usual and the club wasn't too far from where we lived. So yea

was filled with people. Loud music was roar

ovided at the corners, few were drinking near the bar while a lot of people were shaking their legs to the music. Such an exposure made me uncom

dance," she exclaimed in joy

ing at us. His look made me feel a bit uncomf

. I looked at Mansi as she ordered for

have a soft drink," I politely

e are here to drink and

ng... Soft drink,"

her and the next moment, the bartender was there with our drinks. We had

ed the people present on the dance floor. I noticed a few of the boys who were gawking at me. They lo

tell her that I wasn't feeling comfortable, but I didn't want to spoil her fun so

t scared me, but I tried to ignore it and be calm, and the next moment, I felt one

e people weren't letting me react to anything. Even if I shout, no one would bother to look at me as they were so busy

ched so bad that he fell on the floor making a thud sound. As that happened, the music

and muscular. I just kept gazing at my saviour. I was about to thank him,

ecessarily. I will be keeping my eye on you whenever you will be out of the place you are living, so don't you dare to think tha

from that creep, but that doesn't give him any right

d why would I listen to you? Who are you to

I knew, he placed his li

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