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Cyrus's strength

Chapter 4 Jano, the one who works the land.

Word Count: 2019    |    Released on: 22/12/2023

ne who work

ules and said that reached Elián's ears, the first thing he did was investigate which clan it was to talk to the alpha, he is surprised to find out that they are wolves expelled from the packs for inappropriate behavior, with that knowledge he sends two fr

devised a plan to get the attackers out, a plan that did work, but those who attacked were werewolves and humans in groups, he gave the order to defend the residents and annihilate to the attackers. He himself went into action, a small house arrived, due to his humble appearance to defend it, however, he was attacked by a woman, a

o a two-legged wolf to lick the wound, despite being fainted, when she feels Ciro's saliva on her wound she grimaces in pain, when she sees that her sacred has stopped she becomes a man again, she comes out From the improvised shelter he howls a couple of times, before him arrives a young man who

perative that

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ont, don't leav

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hange children, you kn

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e village, he locks the woman in the dungeons, he talks to his brother, explains to him what happened, and the reason for his decision to bring her home, the eldest listens attentively, makes a decision in silence, and himself He went down to question her, the woman's impulse was to attack him, he did nothing more than dodge the blows, he tired her out, already tired, he put his tongue into practice making her talk, he didn't say anything relevant, the daughter of a farmer, w

cry, he refuses to go to her aid, he knows that female crying, as real as it can be, can be blackmail, but when he hears the prayer to his God takes pity on t

oing to lis


to listen to you sinc

t God who will lis

ho died on the cross, believe me he

, it's goin

is the one who cursed them,

have y

ed about that man we went in search of him, we asked for his

ursed l

you will harm anyone who gets in your way, whether friend or not - the girl remains silent for the words heard- _ That does no

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You ca

to do? Where am

you, that person is your family now,


by my

d to decide who d

tice. Your whole family is dead thanks to those ex

s, b

s your n

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you will be a beast every month, now tell me do you want to w

urely be my

p you find one, you can also stay with us for you


ter of a farmer, I assume

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think about helping us wi

the field and n

don't see why waste your talent in the kitchen. – She wipes her eyes when she sees Ciro, she d

or the wall, he hits Ciro's arm, he opens his eyes and his light eye

he wall, runs both hands through his hair, growls again angrily and goes

me to the olive trees, now

d has be

od. Who is

it's her – poin

specific at home t

an I brou

n everything to her, explain the bo

doesn't want

yrus. Let's go to his

s s

said "ye

ano, Ciro releases his aroma, Jano's eyes change from light to yellow, from yellow to white Ciro grunts she lowers her he

l take care of you day and night, I will share my prey with you, my hot days, my cold nights - he hugged her legs -

ices is when the oldest comes in- _ Jano,

as was the color of his eyes, thin, his nose straight, his lips thin, thin, His body is hard as a rock, thin, po

forms him of the situation with Ciro, the two begin to plan the middle one's wedding. The following

e my older br


time, for the mome

ou sur

children Talio is mature, but Lucrecia.

ooks be

with Ciro. But she

hink one can fall in

f I don't think so. Why? Di

fall in love with my

, but not like that, Jano...Jano is not my type. And you, wou


to set my eyes

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1 Chapter 1 Fifteen hundred years ago2 Chapter 2 Family Guy 3 Chapter 3 The new alpha4 Chapter 4 Jano, the one who works the land.5 Chapter 5 Elian Lycaon6 Chapter 6 Claims7 Chapter 7 Amazon8 Chapter 8 Awakenings9 Chapter 9 The importance of blood10 Chapter 10 Four vs one11 Chapter 11 Doubt12 Chapter 12 You're not alone13 Chapter 13 On my shoulders14 Chapter 14 The king and the princes15 Chapter 15 At home16 Chapter 16 The Asena17 Chapter 17 Giles Lycaon18 Chapter 18 Magic19 Chapter 19 First fight20 Chapter 20 Doubt and separation21 Chapter 21 It's the truth 22 Chapter 22 Spain23 Chapter 23 Keep them separate24 Chapter 24 On the other side of the pond25 Chapter 25 David Alcantara26 Chapter 26 Asena attacks Elian27 Chapter 27 Deadalus protects Darius28 Chapter 28 The love of Deadalus29 Chapter 29 Fear30 Chapter 30 Kapadokya31 Chapter 31 Cy Lilin32 Chapter 32 Six hundred doors33 Chapter 33 Hoplites34 Chapter 34 Vampires and werewolves35 Chapter 35 To the foundations36 Chapter 36 Assessment37 Chapter 37 Diagnosis38 Chapter 38 Question39 Chapter 39 Between Elian, Secundina, Dario and Nereida 40 Chapter 40 Stop!41 Chapter 41 Conversations42 Chapter 42 I am not politician43 Chapter 43 Secundina's pain, Elián's regret.44 Chapter 44 Dario's decision45 Chapter 45 Change of plans46 Chapter 46 FromGreece to Finland47 Chapter 47 On alert48 Chapter 48 Months later49 Chapter 49 France50 Chapter 50 Moscow51 Chapter 51 Daedalus's revenge52 Chapter 52 The wind talks to Jonathan53 Chapter 53 End 54 Chapter 54 Fear55 Chapter 55 Coronation56 Chapter 56 Everything in its place57 Chapter 57 Alone to forgive each other58 Chapter 58 Selene Lycaon 59 Chapter 59 The Lilin60 Chapter 60 Finally, all good.