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Word Count: 1545    |    Released on: 19/12/2023

Adam found themselves seated in close proximity, an unspoken

ed between the speaker's words and the unexplored territory of her connection with Adam. The narrative of col

ken dynamics with Emily. The presenter's emphasis on trust, communication, and shared vision

unvoiced dialogue that simmered beneath the surface. Each caught in their own whirlwind of

by the refreshments table once more, the room bustling with att

red the courage to speak. "The session raised some interesting po

expression reflective. "It did. Trust and communication seem pivotal in any su

resonated with a deeper undercurrent-a delicate dance ar

the current of professional discussions. Yet, the brief exchange had carved a new space between the

dience dispersing with a renewed sense of collaborative purpose. Emily and Adam, amidst the departing

each carrying their own reflections on the parallels between succes

nce again in the bustling lobby of the conference venue. They exchanged polite no

lobby. Emily retreated to her room, the corridor enveloped in a q

merizing tapestry against the night sky. Thoughts of the day's interactions with Adam lingered, leaving h

ackdrop to his contemplation. The day's events, particularly his brief exchange w

s. The unspoken conversation with Emily had sparked a quiet revolution with

nd themselves contemplating the intertwined threads of their history,


eaten anything proper since the flight, and now I was starving. I took a quick shower b

nfessed my love to him six years ago. That is the last time he spoke to me. He thought I w

ealize how strong my feelings were towards him, and I didn't want to be without him anymore. Unknown to me, that month, Adam and my best fri

on not to be together. But in the mix of all that I got accused of hitting on my best-friend boyfriend, something I had no clue about a

had said.Me, someone who dressed in overalls all day and kept my hair in a bun,

less skin. She was always dressed in pretty clothes while I dressed for comfort. I looked like a drowned rat compared to her. So I had left

that everything had happened so fast and she had been waiting for

worst of me. I mean, I deserved to know about his relationship wit

st of me without even knowing that I didn't know about them. It's been six years, an


g a stark contrast to the bustling energy of the conference. I exh

gravitated towards the memories of the past. Thoughts of Emily ling

ivacious atmosphere of the conference, seemed to carry rem

lation of Emily's confession had shattered the threads of our friendship. The memo

and the misunderstandings that followed. The words spoken in haste and the lack of communica

me more was the realization of the collateral damage their separatio

lled over the whirlwind of emotions-regret for not handling the situation better, guilt for contributing to E

rlwind of emotions and the chaos of that time, clarity seemed to elude him. He'd allowed the assumptions and the un

rather, my lack of action. I pondered the missed opportunities to mend what

ityscape below a mere backdrop to the tumultuous storm of emotions brewing within me-a longing

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1 Chapter 1 THE RETURN2 Chapter 2 THE CONFERENCE VENUE3 Chapter 3 THE CONFERENCE COMMENCEMENT4 Chapter 4 A TANGLED MOMENT IN TIME5 Chapter 5 A WORKSHOP UNSPOKEN DIALOGUE6 Chapter 6 DAY 2 AT THE WORKSHOP7 Chapter 7 A SUBSEQUENT ENCOUNTER8 Chapter 8 EXPLORING TOWN9 Chapter 9 BACK TO BASE10 Chapter 10 HOMECOMING11 Chapter 11 BLIND DATE12 Chapter 12 SIGNING DEALS13 Chapter 13 THE INVITATION14 Chapter 14 BUMPING INTO HIM15 Chapter 15 THE GALLERY16 Chapter 16 ETHEREAL RESONANCE17 Chapter 17 THE APOLOGY18 Chapter 18 SEEKING CLOSURE19 Chapter 19 LOUIS20 Chapter 20 CONVERSATION WITH ADAM21 Chapter 21 A TRIP TO NEW YORK22 Chapter 22 AIRPORT CONVERSATIONS23 Chapter 23 MOVIE NIGHT WITH COOKIES24 Chapter 24 LIGHTHEADED AND DRESS SHOPPING 25 Chapter 25 ADRIA'S BIRTHDAY PARTY 26 Chapter 26 VACATION PLANS27 Chapter 27 THE CONFERENCE 28 Chapter 28 CHICAGO29 Chapter 29 WORK AND VACATION 30 Chapter 30 IBIZA31 Chapter 31 NATURE PARK32 Chapter 32 THE TALK33 Chapter 33 MY UNDOING34 Chapter 34 Confrontations35 Chapter 35 HE WANTS ME36 Chapter 36 I LOVE YOU37 Chapter 37 EMOTIONS38 Chapter 38 MONTHS LATER39 Chapter 39 Groomzila40 Chapter 40 ALEX41 Chapter 41 LOUIS'S ENGAGEMENT PARTY42 Chapter 42 THE PHONE CALL43 Chapter 43 THE ALMOST PROPOSAL44 Chapter 44 OUR FEELINGS45 Chapter 45 DECISIONS46 Chapter 46 The Decision 247 Chapter 47 TALKING TO LOUIS48 Chapter 48 ALEX AND ADAM49 Chapter 49 CLEARING THE AIR50 Chapter 50 I LOVE YOU51 Chapter 51 DINNER AND A SHOW52 Chapter 52 Back to New York53 Chapter 53 MR STEAMY54 Chapter 54 BIRTHDAY DINNER55 Chapter 55 A DAY WITH ADRIA56 Chapter 56 WORK57 Chapter 57 FLIGHT BACK TO CHICAGO58 Chapter 58 FLOWERS, CHOCOLATE AND A CARD59 Chapter 59 TESTING WATERS60 Chapter 60 HORSE BACK RIDING61 Chapter 61 MORNING FEELINGS62 Chapter 62 BREAKFAST AND BLUES63 Chapter 63 BACK TO NEWYORK64 Chapter 64 MONDAY MADNESS65 Chapter 65 WORRIED EMILY66 Chapter 66 TRIP TO NEW YORK67 Chapter 67 VISITING ADRIA68 Chapter 68 THOUGHTS ON PROPOSAL69 Chapter 69 RIVER BANKS70 Chapter 70 Hello world71 Chapter 71 Breakfast in bed