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Word Count: 1082    |    Released on: 17/12/2023

roblem!" George u

e's words. Why did this problem have to come, espec

problem, George?!" J

in person as soon as possible. The situation is very serious, and time is of the essence. You need

ere!" John announced as

hen went back to the garage to get a different vehicle. He drove off at high speed, breaking a few traffic laws as he made his way to the office. Thirty minutes

his voice rising in pitch. His bombardment of questions made John unable to respond to the greetings he received from his employees. As they made their way to t

blem!" he said, his vo

em at hand. He turned to George and asked, 'What's the issue, George?

r wife, Monica!"

"What about her?" he asked, h

ng with the board members, the shareho

at?" John asked, con

ng because she wants to vote you out as the CEO of

been running it successfully for years. There's no way she could get

room. Things are getting heated!" George said. John's min

the board. But he knew he had to go in eventually, so he took a deep breath and stepped out of the elevator. George followed close behind him. T

eyes finally settling on his wife, Monica, who was seated on the seat next to the head of the table. George matched John's somber demeanor

ice and expression neutral. "When did you get

brimming with a daring look that co

replied, her voice

on. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked,

ou." Monica responded, her

ldn't put his finger on it. Her manner seemed foreign t

e! There is no possible way you could ever be a bother to me." He emphasized the last few words, maki

ook a deep breath before speaking again. "Why did you come back so early? Did something

htfully mine!" Monica replied, he

asked, his voice trembling slightly. "Did you call this emergency board meetin

gestured to a chair, her voice taking on a tone of command. "Please,

aze for a moment before turning to face the rest of the room. After a few m

voice low and uncertain. John sat back in

s open, and a tall figu

er, who stopped in front of Monica. As the person came into view, John's stomach sank. It was none othe

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