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The Unwanted Bride's Revenge

Chapter 37 A Better Life

Word Count: 1493    |    Released on: 24/03/2024


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1 Chapter 1 Wrong Expectation2 Chapter 2 Into The Darkness 3 Chapter 3 Stay Away4 Chapter 4 A Hint Of Affection5 Chapter 5 In Danger6 Chapter 6 A Relentless Enemy7 Chapter 7 Breaking Down 8 Chapter 8 Another Problem 9 Chapter 9 Not Comfortable 10 Chapter 10 The Last Straw 11 Chapter 11 Tempting Him12 Chapter 12 The Preparation 13 Chapter 13 Saving Her Life 14 Chapter 14 Refusing To Believe 15 Chapter 15 A Moment Of Reality 16 Chapter 16 A New Life 17 Chapter 17 Broken 18 Chapter 18 Another One Down19 Chapter 19 A Sign Of Hope20 Chapter 20 A New Challenge 21 Chapter 21 Confused And Torn 22 Chapter 22 An Unexpected News23 Chapter 23 More Than An Advice24 Chapter 24 More Negativity 25 Chapter 25 A Seed Of Envy26 Chapter 26 Her Rival27 Chapter 27 Seeing Her Again 28 Chapter 28 His Sacrifice For Her29 Chapter 29 Heart To Heart30 Chapter 30 A New Friend 31 Chapter 31 Striking A Nerve32 Chapter 32 Having More Options33 Chapter 33 Punishing Him34 Chapter 34 A Wall Between Us35 Chapter 35 Forgetting Her Past36 Chapter 36 Staying Away From Her 37 Chapter 37 A Better Life 38 Chapter 38 Mocking Her 39 Chapter 39 Another Plan 40 Chapter 40 An Emergency 41 Chapter 41 The Tides Shift42 Chapter 42 An Unexpected Demand 43 Chapter 43 Her Opportunity 44 Chapter 44 A Change Of Mind 45 Chapter 45 A Dark Rumour 46 Chapter 46 His Heartbreak 47 Chapter 47 Making Her Choice48 Chapter 48 Two Worlds Meet49 Chapter 49 The Clash50 Chapter 50 Another Husband 51 Chapter 51 Her Conclusion 52 Chapter 52 A Moment Of Fear53 Chapter 53 The Dirty Secret 54 Chapter 54 Experiencing It Herself 55 Chapter 55 Lost For Words 56 Chapter 56 Daring Her 57 Chapter 57 A Grand Applause 58 Chapter 58 A Piece Of Him 59 Chapter 59 A New Business Partner60 Chapter 60 Wreck Her 61 Chapter 61 Getting Wrecked62 Chapter 62 Hearing About It 63 Chapter 63 Closer To Her64 Chapter 64 A Big Mess 65 Chapter 65 An Unexpected Surprise 66 Chapter 66 Anger And Pain 67 Chapter 67 Close But Distant 68 Chapter 68 A Moment To Remember 69 Chapter 69 On Edge70 Chapter 70 Two Hearts And A Scar71 Chapter 71 Shocked To The Core 72 Chapter 72 Making Her Choice 73 Chapter 73 Pulling Them Down 74 Chapter 74 A Honest Conversation 75 Chapter 75 A Merciful Revenge 76 Chapter 76 Two Hearts Become One77 Chapter 77 A Glimpse78 Chapter 78 Making Peace79 Chapter 79 New Memories